Nov 23, 2004 13:25
so last nite i go to get callie's balloons fron Vons. I go to park my car and this creepy 35 or so year old bald man in a leather jacket is totally staring at me smiling. im like whatever maybe hes weird i dunno. so i start walking turn around and hes totally following me. Im like wtf... i start to get nervous he's still following me up in down the store.. i almost cried.. then i stop to look at cards and the guy GRABS MY FREAKIN HAND AND DOESN'T LET GO! i look at him and try to get my phone out to dial 911 but im like frozen. still holding my hand he says " you are very beautiful i want to be your friend." IM like WTF who says that, i say to him (only thing that was coming to my head) Im sorry i dont have time for friends right now. (torie thinks thats the funniest part lol but i couldnt think of ne thing else at the time!) he says, " No i really need a friend i want to learn." i have no freakin idea what to do or say. (all this time hes still holding my hand tightly). He asks like 4 more times, " i really want to be your friend" finally im like i need to go yank my hand from him and freakin run! i didn't know what to do so i kinda hid in the store lol, i didnt want to go to my car becasue he coulda been out there. so im kinda layin low for like 20min and i dont see him anywhere so i get the balloons and leave. Freakin true ass story i swear! god i seriously have never been that scared in my life. then i get home and the balloons are on the floor because the lady didnt put enough helium so i definatly haveta go back! gosh! but it turned out fine. but ne ways moral of the story watch out for creepy ass stalkers at vons...
<3 Natasha
p.s happy b-day callie the big 1-6! hehe