Oct 24, 2004 15:00
Yesterday i saw snow on the ground. It's only the 24th of October and there's snow on the ground. That's a little fucked up. The weather was wierd yesterday. Sunny, hail, rain, snow, sunny, rain, cloud, rain...
Our show yesterday at the Astoria wasn't bad. Heather couldn't get in, which basically sucked. But we played pretty well im assuming and all of those old end this week fans like us.
Afterwards we went and got pot cookies from Ron's girlfriend and than headed to Kenny's to drink. I had 3 cookies, Kenny also, Stu had 2 and was fucked. he kept thinking the cops were after us when we were in the Duck. Kurt & Tony had an intense conversation about gambling. I bought a whole cheese pizza and me and Stu ate it all...sooo goood.
Work in 2 hours. I am sick. Again. What else is new...