Jul 18, 2004 12:12
I had a good time last night.
Carly had a Bar-B-Q type thing.
Aidan was their but left. Coral & Camm showed up.
Sara brought her notes. Evan had a car with a license plate that read "COUP"
Evan got GC'd(made up to look like Benji Madden). He looked all fucked up and shit.
So we drank, and drank, and drank and somewhere in their we took a walk in Crown Isle to try and find "the 18th Green". Diditn find it so we just hung out on the fairway and almost got pelted by a dam sprinkler.
Got back to the house and Evan totally got his lip pierced. He took it like a man.
I, on the other hand, took it like a baby when Carly did both my ears(yea, my ears are pierced now & shit). As Coral said, i screamed like a woman in labour. I have no idea. Probably becuase it was Carly piercing my ears and not Sheena haha.
So that was a fucked up night.
Today im goin out with Tyler and Camm and were gonna poster the town with posters for the shows on the 22nd and 24th.
wordddd??? cool?> yea???lksthjlhrg??