(no subject)

Dec 27, 2007 17:51


I just found out that I will be able to see Eastern Promises  in the original version after all!! I had resigned myself to see it dubbed - and what a major suckage that would have been. *does the happy dance*

For those of you who may not know this: us Germans don't do original versions. We see all movies dubbed. *rolls eyes* Sometimes it works but sometimes not. Occasionally I do wonder if those who translate the script(s) are fluent in English at all.

But living in a big city means that at least one of our two arthouse movie theatres  (who specialize in showing original versions) shows Eastern Promises. I was quite desperate because the websites of both movie theatres didn't have it in their preview section. *wipes brow* What a belated lovely Christmas present.

On a lighter note - I'm enjoying my vacation. Sleeping, reading, eating, meeting with friends, knitting and watching movies. Pure bliss. And I still have all of next week off. *gr*

And for the past couple of days I've been surfing the net in search of a digital camera. My parents gave me some money as a Christmas present because I want/need a new camera. The one I have is so bad it's beyond description. Almost all the pics I took during the summer vacation are complete rubbish. I definitely want a camera with a viewfinder so the wide range of  cameras is, well not so wide :-) I can't understand why most of the (smaller) digital cameras don't have a viewfinder. Guess I'll be going camera-shopping tomorrow.

eastern promises, vacation, digital camera

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