Jul 15, 2004 22:37
I'm wearing myself out!!!
Today at work the City put on a Wellness Luncheon to pump up the blood drive later this month. One guest speaker was Jason Schecterle, the Phoenix police officer who was rear-ended at 115 mph and his car exploded. He received 4th degree burns (I didn't even know it went up to 4th degree) to head, face, neck and 3rd degree on much of the rest of his body. It was amazing to hear his story in person, he's inspirational, I am SO glad I went.
The other guest speaker was a little 4 year old girl, Hayley, who needs blood transfusions every week because she has Diamond black fan anemia, so she doesn't produce red blood cells. Her mom told her story and it too was incredible to see what they've gone through.
Needless to say, I've signed up to donate blood on this month!