Mar 03, 2004 00:29
I have often wondered what life would have to offer with no words. Would certain people be more desirable or less? How would people differ in their daily exchanges? If right now you realized that you had only one, one syllable word to speak what would it be? What word would I speak with my last breath? I think I would say "the". I know usually I would be horribly corny and say things like "love is the word to convey my message". In this instance I would say "the". More often than I would like to admit it is the word I start my sentences with. I think of it as a fresh start, a new beginning. How many times in our lives have we ever had new beginnings? I mean really think about a time when nothing in the past ever mattered. When all that encompasses you as a person is null and void. When you begin there has to be an end. To begin again is to rewrite someone's story. It all starts with "the" in my case. My story isn't likely to be rewritten, but what would it be like if that was the case? If I didn't so carefully choose my words, would my life be different? Words have powers beyond belief. A person who controls words; controls the past, present, and future. If you had a single word would it start your story?