Feb 17, 2006 23:49
+ I'll be in the 330 next week Thursday-Sunday. I am looking forward to seeing my mommy and my Kyra and my sister and grandma and aunt and Niko and maybe even Mikey. Seriously I need this more than anything ever.
- I've worked WAY too much these past couple months between Stanley Steemer and The Body Shop. Not too much to show for it
+ but (stanley steemer) work is going to start picking up when spring rolls around. Spring = everybody wanting to clean their carpets= me making waaaaay more money. So yay. Holla for $30/hr!!!! Cause you know, making $17 really sucks right now.
+ Thank god for the IRS and tax refunds.
+ AND we no longer have to pay our cable bill! The bastards at our leasing office finally got our free cable AND internet all together and working, so we don't have to pay for cable and internet through a provider. Even though it's only $46/month total, it's still fun not having to pay for something ya know!? Ryan and I will save $23 each! wooo hooo
+ will be in the 614 Cbus March 7-12th. Well, I have to be there 7-9th for training for Stanley steemer and then am flying back the 10th-12th (don't ask, it's a weird situation) for my last Cleverin show :( I can't wait to see my Peanut and my Bag Pippa and everybody! yay.
+ I am getting a new computer sometime early next week. $300 for a brand new Emachine. My friends parents bought it the day after Thanksgiving for like $450? and really just don't need it, so they're selling it to me. Dealio!
+ AND I'm getting an Ipod Nano. So excited. Mark actually bought me one a few weeks back only to realize that I still have fucking Windows 98 on this computer therefore not able to install Itunes! and whatever. He decided to return his mini and use the Nano So as soon as I get the new computer he'll be purchasing and sending a lil black one right to me. Wheeeeeeee I can't wait!
God I sound materialistic. Really I'm not, sorry.
I'm just in a really good position right now. Things are going very well and I honestly can't complain about anything. Things have never been better around the apartment, around the city, and around the few friends I've made here. Love it. It's FUCKING cold, but hey, I'm in Chicago and it's February.