"Are you comprending on that?"

Aug 12, 2005 23:59

Definitely haven't updated in a few days... let's recap. Tuesday: mailroom all afternoon, nap the rest of the day, work overnight with Chris, who kills at least 3 roaches during our shift. ugh. Wednesday: mailroom again then Target. Get out early, do some much-needed grocery shopping. Thursday: mailroom all afternoon, then hiking around the Communications building for an hour trying to figure out where I get "departmental consent" to register for a freakin grad class. I finally get an answer... since I'm not a degree-seeking student at the moment, I'm on a waiting list until next Wednesday! After that, the lady will call me, let me know what's still open, then give me the code to finally register. So I won't know when I'll have class until the week before it starts, which sucks because I can't give either job an availability until then! argh.

Today was mailroom, an adventure with Katie and Kia all over Oviedo, then Target. It was an incredibly slow Friday night, which was really weird, but we weren't complaining! Highlight of the night was a phone call from Marlette! yaaay :D Then, near the end of the night, I smashed a fingertip between the monitor and a walkie... talk about OUCH. 3 hours later it still hurts like hell, especially now that I'm typing, but it's too hard to type without it. Oh well. Worst part of it was, the walkie was for a cashier I truly cannot stand. He's always ranting about stupid people... I'm sure he got a good laugh out of what I did after he walked away. Everytime he makes a comment about killing/maiming/castrating stupid people, I always mutter to myself that he's on the top of my list of stupid people, haha.

Home for a little while to relax before I head off to phase 2. joyyyy! Got the new Staind album tonight at work, so I'll have something new to listen to tonight :) Speaking of new music, I found a torrent that had over 600 country songs, most of which I didn't have, which is awesome! Gotta find a few more good torrents before school starts next week!

turn, target

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