Sep 08, 2007 00:54
yeah i know i have a depression problem, every now and then i sprout up and make my existance known. a couple of months ago my grandmother died, and that made me just go back into hiding from everything, from talking to all of u... well it's been a while since that happned and i go and live my life through each day hoping that something interesting happens, once in a while nice things go on and i go and forget about my depression, but then after the day is done and i go home it all returns, staring at the fuckin wall thinking about things that don't matter, most of the time i have angry thoughts and all i want to do is to destroy something, and then sometimes i go and think of other possible outcomes for one day, what if i don't go to work, what if i cut my hair and go back to glasses, what if i start smoking pot again... all sorts of thoughts like that goes through my head, just one day if i could just relax and enjoy every minute of it that would be great, if only i could shut my mind down from thinking, and when that happens hell will freeze over...wishfull thinking huh, someday when i have gotten over this problem i might enjoy the days to come, and maybe these thoughts will change into something great