(no subject)

May 20, 2007 13:04

ever since i came back from vietnam my tooth has been sweeter than ever. i keep craving sugar! i'm in love with condensed milk! and i actually like coconut ( i previously didn't touch coconut items )

but due to many operations in vietnam .. coconut biscuits became our bestfriends and i bought 1 packet and shared it with the cell yesterday. YUM. and since i came back i've had
1) condensed milk with toast
2) kaya & butter with toast
3) kaya & butter & condensed milk with toast

HUR HUR and lots and lots of b&J's chocofudge browniee :):)
i bought the small one and my dad bought 2 big tubs at home YUM

since I came back these are the things i've done:

I went to shu's house
met the girls one afternoon
watched phantom
lunch with the mom
dinner with the parents
enjoying homecooked food!
gone to church (!!) i miss church soo much ! 3 whole weeks without church! [friday DG, sat cell, sun church! yay]
sent cel off at the airport
eat a lot a lot a lot yesterday i had beef stew it was sooo good
finally collected my new contacts
had teochew porridge supper!!! yessss ha ha

later tonight we're gonna celebrate my mom's and grand godma's birthday
buffeeeettttt okay i'm not a buffet fan .. but well ever since vietnam my stomach has expanded by soo much so i'll probably be able to stuff myself.


btw my itunes is spoilt any one know what i should do?
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