Title: BRB, Saving World Summary: In which teleporting to take advantage of your lover is an acceptable use of super human powers. Rating: PG-13 Warning: Excessive fondling and heated kissing. Two cuss words.
Awwwwwww. X3 Stupid superhero boyfriend, being all cute and sexy and an all-around good guy. <3
I may have to use that title as my away message next time I do something spectacular. ...It may take a while. Especially if this is the bar you're setting. :P
I adore superhero stories and your's is top quality! I wonder how Richard takes care of his little *problem* when he goes off to save lives? Cuz spandex doesn't hide much. ;)
LOL, I totally didn't think of that! Well now, that would be one awkward rescue! And I don't think Charmaine would like his Richard being gawked at by poor damselindistress!boy. Ahahaha... the possiblities xD
LOL now I can picture him shuffling behind things whilst busy saving the world, shaking hands with grateful people while keeping something in front of his groin 'cause you know adrenaline isn't going to help with that :D
Comments 29
I may have to use that title as my away message next time I do something spectacular. ...It may take a while. Especially if this is the bar you're setting. :P
You flatter me! And, ahaha away message! xD That is awesome!
LOL, I totally didn't think of that! Well now, that would be one awkward rescue! And I don't think Charmaine would like his Richard being gawked at by poor damselindistress!boy. Ahahaha... the possiblities xD
That's rough. ;p
Very cute story.
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