BDoooooley. I'm sorry I wasn't there! It was my grandmothers 70th and none of the other grandkids were gonna be there so my mom made me stay home :( But I'll talk to you soooooon. I <3 YOU secret agent woman.
eh. it wasn't that great... HAHAHAHA you missed the best partay everrrrrrrrrr. since her last one. so ha! So yeah I still have that mutha ufckin' envelope for you. i'm totally just dropping it in your mail box. fuck the postal sertvice. Oh god, don't tell amanda i said that. lol. different postal service. sooooooooo sad, and enjoying the computer time cuz i'm not getting mine back 'til like friday. god. ok, so I'm bouncin'. i looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Shamilton.
Where have you BEEN?
What happened to your COMPUTAAAAA?
oh god. kidding. i'm an idiot. so. i've been watching dvd's and hanging out with steph casey. WOOT WOOT.
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