My Perfect Adulthood Future Stuff.

Jul 29, 2005 21:11

ok i'm in one of those moods to think about the future and all the great stuff that could happen.

You can do it, too! Just write out your ideal after-high-school-life!!!

Ok, so I want to graduate, obviously. Then.. I'll have had a job at least all senior year and I won't have spent it ALL on unimportant crap that seemed important at the time. Hopefully I'll have enough saved up. Then, I'm thinking I'll buy a plane ticket to San Fransisco and go there. I'll see if I can find a roommate that isn't completely unbearable to live with. If I can, I'll have my parents send out my stuff and live in Frisco, baby!
And it will be just like in Gingerbread! We're talking the part of Frisco that's near the cold dangerous-wave beach with all the moody surfers and maybe work at one of those little cafes there. Where they play indie music and you don't have to be wearing a shirt and shoes for service, but it will still be nice and cozy. I'll have a whole life changing experience, which will consist of just looking around and figuring out that who i was in high school doesnt' fit who I want to be in cold rainy San Fransisco. (if san fransisco isn't cold and rainy i will be severely disappointed).
After I get bored at the cafe I want to work at a bookstore, but not a chain book store like Barnes and Nobles or Borders.. I want to work at a book store owned by a short skinny balding man with glasses and an irritable personality. And I'll be able to spend my days brushing up on.. well, anything I want because we won't have that many customers. But I'll still get a decent wage.
I'll learn how to sew and around Halloween I'll make costumes for hassled mothers who's kids want to be ridiculously unknown characters. I'll fill my days making Robin Hood's and Skellig's, because I am choosing to believe that children in Frisco will be more educated and well-read than children in Lynn. Then, at night, I'll go out with my strange new friends (who won't come close to the one's I'll still have from high school that will be scattered across the continent) and go to strange bars without the intent of getting drunk but instead finding suitable matches for eachother and ourselves.
I WILL find a girl who likes other girls, but not in that slutty sorority way, and not in that buzz-cut tattoo way, either. She'll be perfect for me, and quiet around strangers. She'll love to read and will incidentally have the same favorite book as me, and won't care about what's mainstream and what isn't. By then, I'll be more comfortable in my own skin and I will come to embrace and fully appreciate the soul and mind that I have. I will be able to use it to my full extent, and I'll feel happer and more secure than I ever felt as a teen. After several months of late night talks and walks on the beach but never swimming, we will move in together.
Our apartment will be filled with authentic movie posters of all our favorite films, including I Am Sam, Cabaret, Rocky Horror, Garden State, and of course, Harry Potter. We will have avocado green and tangerine orange dishes and I will finally know the difference between a cappucino and a moccalatte. We'll drink soy milk and recycle but not be all earthy crunchy. We'll see independent films and for Valentines day, we will recite eachother's favorite Shakespearean sonnet in the public forum of the other's choosing.
Holidays will be spent comfortably wherever we want to be, whether it be at our house, or visiting my parents or hers. It won't matter to us. We will vacation in New York in the dead of.. March. Every year, and we'll feel good.
I will finally find that feeling that I've always wanted to feel. I will never be insecure and I will never have to feel the need to cut ever again. I will visit Lynn on an agreed date with as many of us that can come back, and together we will visit all the shitty places we hung out. The Square One Mall will seem like nothing to us, considering we will have all moved on to bigger and better things. THe friends that are most important to me, I will remain close to even after we all go our separate ways. We will keep in touch with eachother through email and the occasional phone call. We will have all found our new lives, but somehow we'll be comfortable getting the occasional polite and distant email from eachother. For some reason it won't matter that we'll no longer have anything to talk about.. We'll be happy just talking about the wife and kids. Or husband and kids, as the case may be. It won't matter to any of us what job the other has, or what they've done with they're lives, because friends aren't conditional.
I will looooove my life, whatever it is. And I'll be happy. And an adult.

WOOOOOOOO. Who's ready to grow up? lol
Not me, even after all of that.
I want that to happen, but I am going to appreciate these two years because it's the last two years of childhood.
Ugh, I love thinking about this.
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