it's been quiet over here at chez wong-eyre, i'm packing and tidying up and went out today to buy all the cleaning supplies necessary for the move into our new apartment. we watched 'a mighty heart' this evening and then i turned on the computer to check the days headlines (living in this time zone means checking late at night equals getting american morning news), only to find that benazir bhutto has been
assasinated. how horrific.
dog & cat remain well. i went to the vet a few days ago to give him the up and down check up, and it was a terrible experience and reginald spent a long time being angry and growling and trying to bite the hell out of the vet. despite him weighing less than a kilo, it took the vet, the vet's assistant and i to hold him down to give him his shot. he's had a bad cough for the past few days before taking him to the vets, but the antibiotics seem to be working and he is as annoying and small puppy like as usual.