
Dec 12, 2008 09:40

Let's review the situation regarding some claims I made earlier in the year:

I didn't manage to get my book published. I was rejected eight times, not even a finalist. However, I should be sending out more than eight times a year. SIGH. This continues to be my biggest trouble with the book. Actively seeking rejection. I need to do it more. I mean acceptance. Seeking acceptance. Also, I should let the other chapbook MS get some play.

I didn't manage to complete the teaching journal; possibly because this was the hardest semester since my first one ever. This semester sucked balls. However, I'm probably going to do the Learning Community thing again next fall if asked. Why? Because I'm a glutton for punishment. And I have a plan. And I can see how to improve things. And I have Lowered My Expectations. Isn't that what that book, I forget the title, Stumbling on Happiness, or whatever, with the bowl of cherries on it --is about? Happiness is defined when life goes better than your expectations?

I did manage to have my first public/major reading. It was amazing. The best part was actually being up there reading; I hadn't read in years and it is intoxicating like... I can't describe it. I guess like any performance of work that you believe in makes the feel-good receptors in your brain go off. The worst part about the reading was the crowds. I don't like crowds, or to mingle after readings. See, I should look on the bright side though. It was standing room only. Even though a) it's easy for that place to get packed and b) I was just opening for Joan... we read for the same amount of time AND a lot of people who didn't know me got to hear my work. Also, my awesome friends who came out to support me made me so happy. It banished the nerves to look into their faces. They are the best friends EVER.

I did get diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Still trying to process what that all means and how it fits into my life. My relationship with pain has improved because I understand the mechanisms of pain better now. Also, I have a cause to attribute my random symptoms to other than I'm just idiosyncratically and randomly defective.

I did adopt another cat. And I am very very happy with my family of three cats and sweet sweet husband, and we're having xmas here and my in-laws and some extended in-law family. And I didn't have to lower my expectations one bit to achieve that.
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