Dec 30, 2010 23:53

During my 2-hour break, before my next rehearsal started.

So these are my disgustingly wrinkled fingers. Gross, I know:

Dinner @ Lao Beijing with my family:

Their XLBs were quite a turn-off (for me). I can usually eat a lot, but these taste so bad I got sick after eating 1:

Pandan Tauhuay pudding:

I'm so sick of my life right now. I think I've been at Waterloo Street for 30 straight days already... this is so tiring. Rehearsals start at 10am almost everyday and end at 6/7pm. I can only make use of the short breaks in between to read/take a nap/head out for some food. I'm drained. I thought I could enjoy my holidays and rest more after my exams ended, but I'm even more tired now. Plus bruises on my knees and shin/thigh I'm really worried of being handicapped when I grow older because I can't even climb the stairs properly. They hurt so badly. I'm only glad for the fellow dancers who've been with me in the Black Box Studio every single day, suffering and enjoying together. I need a break asap.
I really hope the effort we've put in + the amount of perspiration will pay off next week during our actual performances.
7 more days. Press on people.

/edit Oh yes, and Happy New Year to everyone :>

lao beijing, twg, food, family, meatworks, keltonn

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