CONGRATULATIONS UNIVERSE, YOU WIN. I just managed to watch last night's Ashes to Ashes thanks to a series of major cock-ups: first of all, someone must have forgotten that A2A was yesterday BECAUSE THE TORRENT TOOK LIKE 4 HOURS TO SHOW UP (usually the torrent is up one hour after the transmission ends in the UK), what the bleeding hell; and when it DID show up, at way past ten my time, the file was 500MB as opposed to the usual 700MB, OH FUCKING HELL NO. So, you know, I just gave up hope of watching the ep last night and went to bed with a ~*sore heart and a bitter taste to my mouth*~. WOE, I KNOW. But anyway, at 2am I turned the computer back on again, and started downloading the one public torrent I found, and when I woke up this morning, IT HADN'T FINISHED YET. Arrrrrrgh. CAN I HAS MY A2A FIX PLS. I had to resort to watching on the computer because my dvd player wouldn't play a not-yet-fully-downloaded file!
Well, so, about the episode then! OH NO YOU DIDN'T JUST TRANSFER THE GENE GENIE TO PLYMOUTH, SUPERMAC. You're going DOWN (down downee), MATE. *refrains self from spoiling everyone else* And OH NOS JACKIE QUEEN WITH 80s HAIR. And a pregnant one at that too! WTF. It can't be Gene's ... can it? Bugger off, Jackie, you're getting in the way of Gene/Bolly, the truest OTP that ever existed TRUFAX. What was that bit in the beginning of the trailer by the way? LOL misleading us much?
I just blabbed on and on about the trailer, how can this be?! The episode now, REALLY. There was Filch, being creepy and knowing about Dolly! Phwoar. I thought he meant the other guy, who was in cahoots with him, was from the future and/or Doctor Death, or some shit that only makes sense in my head. But clearly he was not, it was much less convoluted than that HAHA. Ray will be best man to Chris! Aww, you've redeemed yourself a little bit now, what with hiding the Vicars and Tarts invitation from Shaz too, Ray, despite being in with your Mason brothers, meh. And Gene totes saved Alex yet again. See: truest OTP comment.
Then ... it all ended with THE LION KING. ADJAK;KJGHD OH SHOW, keep up with the making me laugh until I cry routine. Ta very much! ;)
BRB for more flailin'!