Waiting through your whole life...

Oct 11, 2007 21:40

Okay, I am really pissed off a little bit. I began to read the Lucas Davenport books by John Sandford in the holidays (which are regretfully over now). I began with "Shadow Prey" (which is the second book, silly me again) and I really liked it. So having learned from always not starting at the beginning I at least wanted to read the books in the right order. So I looked up which was the next book and it was "Eyes of prey". Then I looked up if the library had it and of course: no! Okay, then I would buy it, not such a big thing, I often buy books. I went to library though and borrowed another book and just now I wanted to know how much the book costs at amazon and what? They don't have it anymore! I searched anywhere but nobody has the book! They have 3 of the next book, "Silent Prey" in stock, and they have the first book, too, of course, but not the third! The first, the second, the fourth ... but NOT the third. Arrrgh. WHY THE HELL? Okay, I could buy it for 20 € ($28 ) used at amazon, but seriously, 20€, for a book? Hmm, a bit expensive, isn't it? At amazon.com, "Eyes of prey" costs $7.99. That's so unfair! I want to be american... +sigh+
So I'll tell my dad tomorrow and listen what he says. And I have to tell him to buy me "Silent Prey" before it is sold out, too (btw it costs 5€). Hmm. Omg I can really write that much about just a book lol. I just love reading. I loved it from the very beginning but with 12? 13? I stopped reading, don't know why, but then... Oke this is another story ^^ I don't want to spam you too much he. No one is interested in this though ^^

But one thing I want to tell you: I bought Sixt, Deutsche Post and Software AG stock today (Planspiel Börse). So everyone who does have stock buy these! xD

Oh another thing that is annoying me. The titles of books. Lucas Davenport books all are called something with "prey" in English. But German titles are always different. You would not know they belong together. AND what's annoying me too is that they are not translating the continuation of good books. Why do they stop?! E.g. Tami Hoag's "Ashes to ashes" which I read some weeks ago. It has a second book, "Dust to dust" (and again similar titles) but it has not been released in Germany. And another example, John Marsdens Tommorow Series, which has 7 books and a following series The Ellie Cronicles which has 3 books yet, has just been released to 3rd book. Crappy, huh?
OMG! Just seeing they translated the 4th! It will be out in December! The last was released in 1999, and 2007 the next comes out! Oh, everybody will read it now! lol
Well, I will, though I have forgotten nearly everything ... when did I read it? 2002? Don't know. But they have been my favourite books for so long, I think they kind of still are...
Yay, a light at the end of the tunnel :)
But Tami Hoag's new book will be released in April 2008...that's such a long time...I can't even wish it for my birthday...+sigh again+

Wellll that was definitely enough spam. Don't I have anything interesting to tell? Hmm, saw first episode Heroes today, maybe that's more interesting for you. I like it! I love Hiro. He's funny. Will probably watch 2nd Episode tomorrow but hmm don't have much time oh shit wanted to check if there was any homework for Maths project group...But it's "Never Too Late".
Oh and did I tell you the biggest shit? McLeods ended here (after season 6). And it was definitely NO happy end, though the episode was called like that. What should the happy end be? No Stevie/Alex, no Jodi/Matt! Huh, where's the happy end (apart from Dave/Kate)? And why end? There will be a Season 7! Will start in January 2008. Long time... And I will miss Kate & Dave so much! Kate was my favourite character now that everybody was gone, Tess and Claire. And Dave! Who will be funny now? Okay, maybe Riley... but Matt is coming back, that's just one positive thing. And monday Supernatural will start so I think I will survive not having MD for some month...

Oh but I really really have to end this now, it's too late. And too long xD
I want to read a bit, now "The last Precinct" by Patricia Cornwell. My second book from the series. Started with "Black Notice". See, again almost at the end.

End. Right.

tv show: mcleods daughters, autor: john sandford, tv show: heroes, tv show: supernatural, autor: john marsden, misc: books

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