100 Movies | 50 Books

Dec 31, 2008 23:59

I finally decided to do the meme. I'll skip 500 episodes because that is way too much (even way too much to write ^^)

snagged from dreamed_about_u and changed a little

100 Movies

Rules and Guidelines:

1. I'll try to watch 100 movies or more in 2008.
2. I keep track of how many I watch in this post and write my opinion.
3. I record every movie.
4. If you want to recommend any movies to me, go for it.
5. Feel free to leave your opinion.


50 Books

Rules and Guidelines:

1. I'll try to read 50 books or more in 2008.
2. I keep track of how many I read in this post and write my opinion.
3. I record every book.
4. If you want to recommend any books to me, go for it.
5. Feel free to leave your opinion.


I think I may make the movies part (though I'm not a big movie watcher) but I don't think I'll make the 50 books cuz it usually takes me at least two weeks to read one.

very bad

not very good





1. Forrest Gump (Forrest Gump)

I love this movie. It's funny and sad and just amazing!

2. Constantine (Constantine)

It was exciting and had an unexpected end. And awesome actors of course.

3. Keinohrhasen

This German movie was awesome. It was so funny and very cute. No five stars because you knew how it would end.

4. The Ring (The Ring)

That movie was very scary and gripping. But only four stars because I didn't like that the story was not really finished. You didn't really know what was wrong with Samara.

5. Freeway (Freeway)

People at IMDb seem to love the movie. Well, I don't. The first part was kinda boring, in the end it got better. It was weird. And I didn't really like the story, neither the main character. Though sometimes I felt very sorry for her. But Kiefer did great work, though he looked dorky at the beginning and weird after she shot him.

6. Unterweg nach Cold Mountain (Cold Mountain)

Negative and positive:
+ dramatic end
+ Renee Zellweger's character
+ moving
+ Jude Law
- very long so it was boring sometimes

7. Die Insel (The Island)

This movie was quite good, it had action, the story was okay and great actors. The topic was serious but it was not too demanding. In my opinion it was only a little peeving that they didn't know a lot (like children).

8. Lilien im Sommerwind (Carolina Moon)

Not a masterpiece of movie, but okay. It was a nice movie to watch, romantic and thriller-ish. Just Nora Roberts...either you like it or you don't.

9. Das Vermächtnis der Tempelritter (National Treasure)

I didn't like that one too much, don't know why. But it was okay.

10. Gandhi (Gandhi)

Finally finished it at school. I think it's a very moving movie, and the actors are great. Minus one star because it's sooo long...

11. P.S. Ich liebe dich (P.S. I Love You)

No, this movie was miles away from the book. The book was so good and the movie was like every movie. They changed so much! Okay, the actors were good and it was touching. So it was okay.

12. X-Men (X-Men)

Quite good film I think. Suspenseful and a little funny. Nice to watch, would like to watch the 2 and 3 too.

13. Die Herrschaft des Feuers (Reign of fire)

It was okay, but not really more than that.

14. Sleepy Hollow (Sleepy Hollow)

The story wasn't really new or special, but Johnny Depp was awesome and funny. I enjoyed that movie :)

15. Blicke aus den Jenseits (Nos Miran)

I really liked that one, because you really had no idea how it would end. And I like these kinds of a movie like The Sixth Sense.

16. Cloverfield (Cloverfield)

Oh awesome movie. Very suspenseful and very well made, it seemed so real. And the end was open, I really liked that.

17. Hautnah (Closer)

Good movie, plus points for Jude Law.

18. Die Gustloff

A German movie with two parts, like all these German history movies. The first part was very boring so that I slept a bit and missed the beginning of the second part. The end was better, but still ...

19. 30 über Nacht (13 Going On 30)

Finally I saw that movie. It was cool, I loved Jen in it. A really nice movie.

20. Creep (Creep)

I don't know what to think about this movie. First really creepy and quite good but then more and more violent...and later it's even a bit funny with the murderer. And some things aren't cleared up.

21. Barfuß

I loved this movie! So romantic, sad & funny!

22. Pi (Pi) for maths

This is not a movie for everyone I think. There's a nightmarish atmosphere all the time and there's math. But me, I liked it!

23. Die Legende vom Ozeanpianisten (The Legend of 1900)

As I read the book and we had the movie on DVD I had to see this one. I was really surpised that it was that based on the book! It was pretty good, especially the music. I guess I have to get the soundtrack.

24. House of Wax (House of Wax)

Only watched it because of the cast (Jared, Chad & Elisha NOT Paris). It wasn't special, just like any movie, but okay.

25. Moulin Rouge (Moulin Rouge)

Was too overplayed for my taste. But it was still good.

26. Pi rewatched for school

Watching this movie still makes me feel ... desperate maybe, I can't describe it. It's just so real.

27. Ratatouille

Just a typical Disney movie. Was okay, funny and cute. But not so special.

28. Perfect World (A Perfect World)

OMG this is such a wonderful film. When it started I thought it was boring. But it was so sad! Just wonderful.

29. Der Beweis (Proof) for maths

The storyline was okay. There was not that much maths in it. But there was JAKE. And he was awesome. So one star goes to him :)

30. Butterfly Effect (Butterfly Effect)

Good movie! I liked Ashton Kutcher in his role, though I usually don't like him at all.

31. Into The Blue (Into The Blue)

Okay movie. Not really special, but Paul Walker is quite nice to watch =) I didn't like the end, though...

32. Deutschland - Ein Sommermärchen

I don't really like the movie a lot. It's boring I think. But still a bit interesting to see them in "real life".

33. Elisabethtown (Elisabethtown)

Aww such a cute movie =) I really liked it.

34. Road to Perdition (Road to Perdition)

I think it was kind of boring in the beginning. But it has Tom Hanks in it and the end is great :)

35. Junikäfer (Junebug)

Quite a good movie too. It's quite melancholic but beautiful. And of course Ben McKenzie was great.

36. Holes

Not pretty realistic. Just as the book. But I think the movie itself was quite good (though Stanley wasn't fat).

37. Reine Chefsache (In Good Company)

Liked it! Good actors, good story. And not a typical happy end.

38. Final Call - Wenn er auflegt, muss sie sterben (Cellular)

Entertaining movie, liked it.

39. Die purpurnen Flüsse (The Crimson Rivers)

I didn't get everything, but I liked it. The beginning was a bit boring I think, but later it was very suspenseful.

40. Hin und weg

German movie, but it was quite good! The only thing I didn't like was the end.

41. Untreu (Unfaithful)

Boring. I thought it would be a thriller! But it was only a thriller for the last 30 minutes.

42. Mystic River (Mystic River)

Quite good, suspenseful and with a lot of drama.

43. Die purpurnen Flüsse 2 (The Crimson Rivers II)

As good as the first one, but I missed Max. Still suspenseful and interesting.

44. Match Point (Match Point)

Great movie, great actors. You didn't know how it would end.

45. Charlie Bartlett (Charlie Bartlett)

Wow such an awesome movie. I loved everything about it!

46. Pearl Harbor (Pearl Harbor)

Loved it! Great actors, sad story.

47. Wie ein einziger Tag (The Notebook)

Good movie! Awesome actors. And the story is really too cute.

48. American Pie 4 (American Pie 4)

Quite crappy. Don't like movies like that.

49. Knallharte Jungs

Same as American Pie just German, means even worse.

50. Hancock (Hancock)

Liked the movie! Though I expected something else but still good.

51. Daredevil

Awesome. Ben Afflekc and Jennifer Garner *yay* Really liked it.

52. Into The Wild

Great movie. Maybe a bit boring in the middle part but the end is just so great :)

53. Jumper

The story was not really interesting but it had action and Rachel Bilson in it ^^ So all in all it was pretty good :)

54. The Dark Knight

Great movie. That's all I got to say.

55. Tim Burton's Corpse Bride - Hochzeit mit einer Leiche (Tim Burton's Corpse Bride)

Loved it. I liked the animation and the story was good too :)

56. Wanted (Wanted)

The story was okay, but I think you could've done the movie with less violence and blood.

57. Wächter der Nacht (Nochnoi Dozor)

I think you should read the book before you watch the movie because it's quite difficult to understand. The story is very short, seems more like an introduction.

58. The Da Vinci Code - Sakrileg (The Da Vinci Code)

Awesome movie. I loved the actors and it wasn't that much changed :)

59. Die Maske des Zorro (The Maske of Zorro)

Really entertaining movie with good actors!

60. High School Musical 3 (High School Musical 3)

Well...the story is quite trashy...but I think the movie itself is not that bad, and I loved some secondary characters :)

61. Solange du da bist (Just like heaven)

It was totally different from the book, they even changed the names (Lauren and Arthur would've been totally fine?) but as I didn't like some parts of the book, I liked the film better :)

62. 007 - Casion Royale (Casino Royale)

Oh how I love Bond movies. Only four stars because I miss the good old people like Moneypenny and Q.

63. Das Schwiegermonster (Monster-in-law)

Just watched it because of Michael Vartan :D Not that much of a good movie, entertaining but not more.

64. Max Payne (Max Payne)

Quite good! I thought it would have much more violence, but it was okay! The story was not too good though, the end was quite annoying...

65. Twilight

Was not as good as the book, but nice :)

66. Stolz und Vorurteil (Pride and Prejudice)

Awesome movie! Wonderful love story and great actors!

67. Matrix (The Matrix)

Good movie! It has action, love and also philosophy.

68. Happy Feet (Happy Feet)

Awww, so cute!

69. Eine unbequeme Wahrheit (An Inconvenient Truth)

I don't really like the movie too much. Al Gore might be nice, but I don't think he's very funny, though he desperately tries to be. Additional, the synchronisation was really bad.

70. Notting Hill (Notting Hill)

Hugh Grant? Supercute lovestory? Awesome film!

71. Ice Age (Ice Age)

Amazing! The animation was perfect and the animals were so cute and the story was really nice too.

72. Ice Age 2 - Jetzt taut's (Ice Age 2)

As awesome as the first one :)

73. Children of Men (Children of Men)

Really good! The topic was serious but the film was entertaining though. And the end was very good too.

74. In the Line of Fire - Die zweite Chance (In the Line of Fire)>/b>

Quite good. Action, suspense, love and good actors.

75. 21 (21)

Nice! I really like Jim Sturgess and the story was really interesting.


1. Tami Hoag - Rätselhafte Umarmung (Magic)

It was not really exiting, you knew how it would end. But it was cute, though. ( I am cheating a little, began reading in 2007)

2. Sidney Sheldon - Das nackte Gesicht (The Naked Face)

This book was very suspenseful! In the beginning I thought I knew who the killer would be, but I was not totally wrong. It was very surprising! I could'nt stop reading, and it was not too long, so I only needed two or three days. It's a bit old (about 30 years I think ^^), but still good, and it was Sheldon's debut!

3. Cecelia Ahern - P.S. Ich liebe dich (P.S. I Love You)

A very fresh book I think. The story was new (I think) and it was not the typical happy end. I loved the secondary characters.

4. Victoria Clayton - Wolken an meinem Himmel (Clouds Among The Stars)

That book was okay. No more, no less.

5. Sidney Sheldon - Das Imperium (The Stars Shine Down)

It wasn't a suspenseful as the first book of Sheldon that I read. And it wasn't what I expected. So only three stars.

6. Cordelia Fine - Wissen Sie, was ihr Gehirn denkt? (A Mind of its Own: How Your Brain Distorts and Deceives)

Stopped after I read the first two chapters. Wasn't what I expected.

7. HTML - Spielend gelingt die eigene Website for computer sciene class

Didn't read every chapter because we didn't need everything but the chapters I read were good, very easy to understand.

8. Baby-Sitter Blues for french class

Was surprisingly good I think. At least it wasn't as boring as I expected.

9. Stephenie Meyer - Biss zum Morgengrauen (Twilight)

I liked it! The story of Bella and Edward is really awesome. But it could've been more suspenseful in the beginning and in the middle.

10. Stephenie Meyer - Biss zur Mittagsstunde (New Moon)

This book was even better than the first one (in my opinion) because more happened and I really felt with Bella. I don't like Jacob a lot, but still...

11.Stephenie Meyer - Biss zum Abendrot (Eclipse)

Except for the whole Jacob thing, I liked the book as much as the others.

12.Jonathan Stroud - Die Spur ins Schattenland (The Leap)

A good book, not too long. I liked the open end, that you have to decide by yourself which version you believe.

13.J.R.Ward - Nachtjadg (Dark Lover (P.1))

Was not as good as I expected but okay. Don't know if I'll buy the second part.

14. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - Nachtflug (Night Flight)

Liked it pretty much. Was quite different than theooks I usually read, but interesting.

15. Alessando Baricco - Novecento (Novecento)

Liked it pretty much, though it was very short.

16.Peter Schwindt - Libri Mortis 1: Flüsterne Schatten

Interesting book. Not very special, but entertaining.

17.Nicolas Sparks - Wie ein einziger Tag (The Notebook)

To be honest, I didn't like it that much. It was a bit boring. But it was cute anyway.

18.Peter James - Stirb Ewig (Dead Easy)

I liked the idea and it was gripping but I didn't really like the plot. It was not very realistic.

19. Nick Hornby - How to be good (How to be good)

Hmm wasn't really good. I was a bit bored all the time.

20. John Sandford - Eisnacht (Winter Prey)

Pretty good! It was gripping and had love in it too =) And I like Davenport. He's awesome.

21. Louis Sachar - Holes for English class
currently reading

22. Paulo Coehlo - Veronika beschließt zu sterben (Veronika Decides to die)

Beautiful book. I really enjoyed it. But I didn't really like the end so only four stars.

23. Sandra Brown - Envy - Neid (Envy)

Entertaining, but not really surprising. Didn't like that the one person was oh so evil.

24. Milena Agus - Die Frau im Mond(Mal di pietre)

Really good book. A moving story with a sad and surprising end.

25. Dan Brown - Illuminati (Angels and Demons)

Very good book! I loved it, couldn't stop reading. It was a bit crazy but I loved it though.

26. Nicolas Sparks - Ein Tag wie ein Leben (The Wedding)

Enjoyed it, and Noah ♥ Nothing to say.

27. Paulo Coelho - Der Zahir (The Zahir)

Great book, some adorable quotes. But sometimes it was a bit boring.

28. Bertold Brecht - Das Leben des Galilei (Life of Galileo)

Was better than I expected, was actually quite interesting to read.

29. Dan Brown - Sakrileg (The Da Vinci Code)

It was good; but I still liked Angels&Demons better. I can't say why, I just did...

30. Stephenie Meyer - Breaking Dawn

Don't think it was bad at all. I really enjoyed it :)

31. Jilliane Hoffmann - Cupido (Retribution)

Really good book! Very entertaining, read it very fast!

32. Marc Levy - Solange du da bist (Et si c’était vrai…/If only it were true)

There was something about that book that I didn't really like. But I think the movie could be quite good though :)

33. Jilliane Hoffmann - Morpheus (Last Witness)

It was pretty good, but I think Retribution was better though.

34. Jilliane Hoffman - Plea of Insanity

Not really as good as Cupido and Morpeus. It was too long I think, the middle part with her brother was interesting, but the end totally sucked. I bet there will be a sequel.

35. Glenn Patterson - Number 5 for English

A bit boring, but I loved the first part, it felt so real. I think it would've been better if we'd read the stories in the right order, but yeah, teachers.

36. Janet Evanovich - Einmal ist keinmal (One for the money)

Awesome book. Has everything you want :)

37. Susanne Koster - Flammenkuss

Boooring. The characters are quite stupid. Didn't like it.

38. Melissa Marr - Gegen das Sommerlicht (Wicked Lovely)

Ok-ish. Was nice and interesting to read.

40. Bastian Sick - Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod Vol.1

Awesome. I love his way of writing, just really funny. And I think it's really interesting :D

41. John Sandford - Das Messer im Schatten (Night Prey)
currently reading

type: meme, misc: movies, misc: books

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