Feb 28, 2005 16:12
today i didn't go to school. I don't really havea reason why just i couldnt sleep last night which is becoming a growing problem for me. I think im nocturnal or something. I need new clothes. I want to go on a shopping spree for clothes like a million dolar shopping spree. That would be nice. I need someone to go to goodwill with. I just need a change of wardrobe.I really want to move out of my house somewhere far away. I would probably miss my friends and family but not so much that i wouldn't do it. I just had a nice conversation with my sister and she was talking about the peacecore.After joining that you can go to like any school you want,Or if you join the army even if your not killing people in turbans if your just a nurse or a cook or something you can go to any school you want. I want to go to an art school in france. that would be amazing I would send all you people letters and shit. I woud live in a country house and paint or draw or do something all day. That would be fucking amazing don't ya think?