FF: Payback

Feb 01, 2010 07:47

Title: Payback

Rating: Adult

Pairing: Kate Todd/Jethro Gibbs

Summary: Kate gets revenge.

Spoilers: None.

Disclaimer: These characters belong to DPB, CBS, Paramount, et al. No copyright infringement is intended.

Warnings: Uh…sex? :P

Author’s Notes: This was written a long, long time ago for some challenge that I don’t remember, but I never posted it. Oops. Hope you enjoy!

“Gibbs,” Kate whined, looking at him like he just kicked her puppy dog, “but you just drank the last sip of MY coffee.”

He didn’t reply but she could see his eyebrows rise and fall, which meant that he had just rolled his eyes at her. There’s no way that she’d be whining like this, about something so stupid, if anyone else was around and if they weren’t in a relationship, but there wasn’t and they were. So she whined to her heart’s content. “MY coffee, Gibbs. I don’t sip out of your coffee mug!” At that he did turn to her, an incredulous look in his eyes. “Ok, I do, but I don’t take the last sip.” She deflated and sat back in her seat, laying on the pout full force.

He pulled violently into a parking space in the parking garage and quickly leaned over and bit her lip. She gave a little squeak at the sudden aggression in his actions, before moaning softly as he ran his tongue over the spot that he marked. He moved away just as quickly as he came in and she tried to move with him but found herself hindered by the seat belt she was still wearing. Cursing quietly as Gibbs just laughed; Kate quickly undid the seatbelt and scrambled out of the car after him.

She remained upset with him for the rest of the afternoon but tried not to show it. They hadn’t told the team yet, but she was pretty sure that they had their suspicions after a near miss when they thought that they were alone in the office. She sometimes had nightmares where Tony happened to have a camera and managed to catch her disheveled appearance and the lipstick on Gibbs’ lips on film.

The team was called to the Director’s office that afternoon at four, right before closing time. They were working a high profile case and the new Director, a woman named Jenny Sheppard, decided that she needed to brief them on the proper protocol. Gibbs, obviously, was not too pleased. So at five till four, they all trudged up the stairs and waited until exactly four o’clock, like the good little NCIS agents they were.

They all took seats in the conference room that was next to the Director’s office, Gibbs and Kate sitting on one side, McGee and Tony on the other and a spot at the head of the table for the Director. But instead of sitting down, the Director decided to pace. No one was completely sure why, but she appeared to think that she was making more of a point in doing so.

Kate was the only one attempting to pay attention until she felt Gibbs’ hand resting lightly on her thigh. High up on her thigh. She shot a look at him but he wasn’t even looking at her, instead he kept the same disinterested look on his face as he pretended to listen to the Director. Slowly, his hand began rubbing up and down her thigh, until it managed to slip underneath her skirt. She sucked in a quick breath and he couldn’t help glancing over at her. But her gaze was now seemingly fixed on the Director. He smirked as his fingers edged towards the lacy edge of her panties.

His fingers were creeping higher and higher until she felt a knuckle press lightly against the cotton of her panties. She bit her lip to hold in a gasp, determined to keep quiet. His touch stayed there for a moment, brushing against her through the barrier, before he slipped his hand underneath the cotton and lace and brushed up against her heated core.

She sighed softly and slouched a little bit in her seat, making sure that McGee and Tony were still completely focused on the Director, who was completely oblivious. Her eyes fell closed for a second as he pushed one finger roughly inside her, twisting and curling ever so slightly. She spread her legs as far as the skirt would allow. Gibbs had a shit eating grin that she would just love to wipe off his face, but was completely unable to at the moment. And he knew it.

She couldn’t help but buck her hips towards him as he added another finger inside of her, but she was careful not to bump the table and alert the others to their current activities. She had never pictured Gibbs as much of an exhibitionist, but he’d shown a penchant for sex in very public places since they’d been together. In the office (he said security owed him a big favor, so there were no tapes to be seen) and in the ladies restroom of her favorite coffee place had been the locations of two of their latest excursions. She struggled valiantly to keep quiet as Gibbs scissored his fingers inside of her and the heel of his hand rubbed against her clit.

She couldn’t help the soft pants escaping her; she could only hope that no one else could hear her. By the look on Gibbs’ face, she knew that hope wasn’t entirely true. Slouching a little bit further into her seat, she bit her lip to hold back a moan. She was going to come, while in the same room with her boss’s boss and her co-workers. Any minute now, if he’d just…

Her eyes flew open as she suddenly felt his absence. She straightened up and turned to him, completely disbelieving. He just grinned and quickly stuck his fingers in his mouth, releasing them with a quick pop. She just stared at him, gob smacked. She was so close and he just…stopped!

She sat very still for the rest of the meeting, which lasted for a blissfully short amount of time after her little distraction. Her panties were still soaked and she shifted uncomfortably as they began sticking to her. Looking over at Gibbs, she could see that he was just smirking. The second that the Director dismissed them, McGee and Tony were out the door. The Director asked Gibbs to stay for a little bit as Kate awkwardly walked towards the door. She waited for Gibbs around the corner from the conference room, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet.

Only a few minutes later, he appeared from the room, just as blasé as ever. Kate immediately pounced on him and dragged him into the elevator. She hit the down button and almost as soon as they started moving, she pressed the emergency stop. All but launching herself at him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed him into the wall. Her tongue snaked out and traced his lips and she indulged in his quiet moan as she pushed her way inside his mouth.

As she was kissing him, her hands moved down to his fly, making quick work of it and pushing his pants and boxers down as she broke away from the kiss and slowly sunk to her knees. His hands, now left with nothing to hold on to, reached behind him to grasp the bar that ran across the elevator walls. She looked up at him and smirked, spitting into her hand and grabbing his already half hard cock, pumping furiously. He threw his head back and groaned and Kate just smirked, a carbon copy of the one that his face had held all but fifteen minutes ago. After only a few strokes, he had hardened almost completely in her hands and she leaned forward, blowing a cool stream of air across his flesh, before taking him into her mouth.

One of the hands that had been grasping the bar came down and wound itself into her hair, not pushing or guiding her, just there. She grinned as her tongue swirled over him and her hand continued to pump what she couldn’t take into her mouth. She knew that he loved when she did this and she was certain that being in the elevator at NCIS was helping a bit too, as Gibbs let out another rather loud groan. She smirked and wondered for a minute just how soundproof these elevators were, but quickly abandoned that train of thought. She didn’t really want to know.

Her other hand came up to his hips, smoothing across the skin there and lightly scratching his belly. He gasped and bucked slightly into her mouth. She, in return, swirled her tongue around his head. She could tell that he was getting close, so with one last final lick and suck, she pushed away from him and stood up, hitting the emergency stop again.

Gibbs made quite a sight, standing there staring at her with his pants still down around his ankles. She smirked and decided to take at least some pity on him and bent down, pulling his pants back up and carefully tucking him back inside, rebuttoning his fly for him. She patted his crotch lightly and leaned forward, kissing his lips softly.

“Payback’s a bitch,” she murmured again his skin and then the elevator doors dinged open and she stepped out. She chuckled a little bit as she heard the door slide closed behind her, and then heard the familiar sound of the power shutting down, signaling that the elevator had been stopped again.

She headed over to the team area and gathered up her things. Just as she was putting on her coat, she heard the doors to the elevator open again and she looked up just in time to see Gibbs storming into the team’s area. She smirked once more, until she suddenly felt him behind her. She would have been a little bit freaked out by the fact that she had no idea how he moved that fast, but she was actually just really turned on by his hot breath at her ear and something hard poking against her back. “I thought you might have cooled off by now,” she murmured coyly, leaning back so she brushed against him a little more firmly.

He groaned and roughly grabbed her hips, pulling her up against him fully. “Home. Now, Kate,” he growled in her ear. She just grinned as he grabbed her hand and all but dragged her out of the building.

fic, ncis, gibbs, fanfic, kate/gibbs

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