Fic: Twist

Aug 04, 2008 19:16

Title: Twist
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Nothing relating to Doctor Who belongs to me, except my awesome TARDIS key chain and my DVD's. :D
Author's Notes: I've always thought it was silly that the Bad Wolf did all this stuff to everyone else and Rose got away scot free. I'm a bit obsessed with this particular theory. And though I want Rose to be happy...this wouldn't leave me alone. :D


She understands that this man standing in front of her is the answer to her prayers. This man in a blue suit with a familiar face, is almost like her cosmic reward for saving the universes. And yeah, he’s different, but she’s gone through that before. They’ve gone through that before, and it’s no different now.

She adapts. Because what else can she do?

They buy a flat together and she’s careful to make sure that there aren’t any carpets. It’s very open and has lots of windows and she hopes that it will keep him happy, at least for a little bit, until the TARDIS can grow.

The day she comes home from Torchwood, and there’s a blue policebox standing in their living room, her face lights up and everything suddenly feels right. She steps inside with her Doctor, the one with one heart and that means the world to her, and they take off into time and space.

This time around, he teaches her to fly the TARDIS with him. It’s not as smooth as the time there were six pilots, but smoother than when it was just him. This time around, they share a bedroom and before long, there are the sounds of little children filling the halls of the ship. It’s a life that she always hoped for, but never imagined she would actually have.

And then, they start to notice something strange. He’s looking older, getting a few more wrinkles and even the occasional gray hair. She’s not. She still looks almost exactly as before, looks like the Rose Tyler that he first met.

Their children grow faster than they realise and soon they are off at university, surely showing the other children up, but she and the Doctor agree that their children could make the choice of living on Earth or living in the TARDIS. They want all the opportunities in the universe for their precious kids. She finds it disconcerting that their dad looks like their dad and she looks like a fellow classmate, but she doesn’t mention it.

She knows what’s going on. The last time she saw Jack, they talked a bit about what had happened, what she had accidentally done to him as the Bad Wolf. It isn’t until she’s about fifty that she realises, she did it to herself too. They’re on a planet where the natives have taken a sudden and violent disliking to them and they’re running as fast as they can, but she can’t outrun an arrow. She can feel herself falling…

And then she wakes up in the med-bay, the Doctor holding her hand and rocking back and forth. She gasps and he jumps about ten feet in the air.

The Doctor, her Doctor, dies when she is 63. It’s an all too familiar death, too close to home for Rose. They’re on Earth one morning, when he sees a child playing in the street. The child, far too caught up in his game, doesn’t see the car coming down the road and somehow the Doctor can tell that the driver doesn’t see him either. He runs out and pushes the child away, taking the full force of the speeding car himself.

Rose screams and runs to him as the car speeds away, too cowardly to stay. She knows he won’t get far, the license plate and car model is engrained in her consciousness. A passer-by happens to see and immediately calls an ambulance, as Rose sits in the middle of the road, holding her Doctor’s hand. He gasps out that he loves her, has always loved her, and she responds in kind. She feels his hand go limp in hers for the first time in 39 years and weeps.

She waits in vain for his body to begin glowing, that maybe, maybe they were wrong, so long ago on that beach. Maybe he’s still Time Lord enough…but nothing happens.

He’s cremated and she scatters his ashes on Bad Wolf Bay, the place where they started.

Too many years pass and too many people die and she finally understands her other Doctor with perfect clarity. Humans, they wither and die. She lives on. So does he.

She lands her TARDIS in the long abandoned Torchwood London building, and finds the dimension cannon right where she left it. With a few flips of switches, it’s turned on and powered up. She’s not even sure if it will work.

She relocates her ship into the chamber and waits. It has to work.

She feels the ship begin to shake and the once familiar pull of the other dimension, and for the first time in a very, very long time, smiles.

The TARDIS disappears as her pilot sings softly to herself, “who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?”

fic, doctor who

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