Happy Birthday to me.....

Mar 23, 2008 00:38

So I've decided birthdays are weird. Because I don't feel any older myself...but then I look at other people and feel really old. And yeah, I know I'm being melodramatic because I'm not all that old, but I mean....when I go home and see some of my old neighbors it's like "Dude, I remember when you were born. And now you're like 14." It's just weird.

So yeah, birthdays are weird. But fun. :P Went out to dinner with the girls, to the Hard Rock Cafe. Yeah, definitely didn't know that they announce to the entire restaurant that it's your birthday while you stand on a chair so everyone can see you.

But it was fun. I had a good time. :D

Just one more candle and a trip around the sun...

real life

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