May 26, 2009 10:30
Day of decision:
On the 's Prop 8 Decision Day the Sacramento Gay & Lesbian Center will open by 9 a.m. and wi! ll remain open all day for members of the community who want to gather. The Center will house sign-making activities, a first-aid station, and onsite counseling or counseling referrals through its LGBT Counseling Program.
Regardless of whether the Supreme Court decision is for or against upholding Prop 8, the Center will host a community rally from 5:30 to 6:30 pm in front of the Center with entertainment and speeches by community leaders.
If the decision is to uphold Prop 8, Equality Action Now will lead a march from the Center to the State Capitol West Steps, where a second rally with speakers and entertainment will take place, followed by a march around the Capitol grounds. On return to the Capitol West Steps, participants will be invited to speak at open mic.
If the decision is to overturn Prop 8, following the rally at the Center, the crowd will be invited to move to the street just south of the intersection of 20th and K, where a st! age and sound system will be in place featuring music and ente! rtainmen t.
Items to bring:Supreme Court
White Ribbon to tie White Knots
White Chalk to write messages in the road and on the sidewalks
Wear White to show our unity in supporting same-sex marriage
Bring signs and bullhorns and anything else to make noise...let them hear us united and strong!