Thank you. You've been warned.
Cast/Roles explained: (Sort of)
Naruse Ryo = Ohno Satoshi
Serizawa Naoto = Ikuta Toma
Sakita Shiori = psychic
Ishimoto Yosuke = Kuma. Naoto's friend. Involved in the death of Hideo.
Kasai Hitoshi = Glasses dude who is having an affair with Serizawa Mari. Naoto's friend. Involved in the death of Hideo.
Souda Mitsuru = Stupid guy in first episode who Ryo was defending. Naoto's friend. Involved in the death of Hideo.
Takatsuka Kaoru = Female detective. Naoto's partner in the force.
Kurata Takashi = One of the force. Also seen with Naoto and Kaoru.
Serizawa Mari = Serizawa Noriyoshi's wife. Noriyoshi is Naoto's big brother.
Serizawa Noriyoshi = Naoto's big brother.
Serizawa Eisaku = Naoto's dad
Kumada Takahiro = Serizawa's lawyer. First victim in the series.
Hayashi Kunio = The suspect for the death of Kumada Takahiro.
Shintani Sora = The kid in episode 2 & 3.
Shintani Tae = Sora's mother in episode 2 & 3
I am going to complete the cast list eventually. I need more time and research for that. >_<
Also, I'm going on a first-name basis becase (1) There are three Serizawas (2) There are two Naruses and (3) There are two Shintani. LOL
- recap: so I was wrong... Yosuke wasn't shot. But there was this weird smell in the room when Serizawa and the female detective got there.
- outside the church (Shiori + Ryo + Sora): Ryo asked Sora her name, they asked her how she was lost. She said that she went with an Onii-chan, you can see Ryo with a stressed forehead when Shiori asked the kid who the Onii-chan was. Sora and Ryolooked at each other for a time, until sge said 'shiranai' (erhm, she doesn't remember?!)
- hospital: Yosuke was sent to the hospital, the doctors tried to revive him but they failed. Of course Naoto was upset.
- car (Shiori + Ryo + Sora): Ryo drove them to where Sora lived. (I didn't understand what they were saying *weeps*) Ryo played 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow'. They arrived at Sora's home, but the mother (Tae) wasn't there. Finally Tae arrives, and she flashes back to the scene where she confronted Yosuke with a gun because she saw her daughter's teddy bear on the table. At this, Ryo and Shiori go down to meet her and Sora explained that they found her and drove her home.
- hospital (Naoto + dead Yosuke): We see Yosuke's body covered with a whitesheet on the emergency room gurney and Naoto standing beside it. Kaoru enters the room as Naoto places a hand on Yosuke's jaw as if saying goodbye.
- Naoto flashes back to his moments with Yosuke and says 'Gomen' - Sorry.
- Shintani residence (Shiori + Ryo + Tae + Sora): Ryo says something to Sora (Hmm, I'm guessing it's 'be careful') then he turns to leave with Shiori. But Tae calls him 'Lawyer-san, I-' but someone arrives in the background and she says 'thank you'. The camera focuses on the teddy bear.
- hospital: I did not understand what the doctor and Naoto were arguing about. But Naoto didn't want to accept what the doctor said about Yosuke. (Probably something about the cause of Yosuke's death.)
- OPENING CREDITS: 3 episodes in.... I still watched it. Ohgod! So good! TT^TTd
- Walk (Shiori + Ryo): Ryo asks her if something is wrong/bothering her, she hesitates but says nothing is wrong in the end. She offers him coffee, but he declines. Ryo walks away, but she calls him back. Ryo faces her then she declares that she likes KIOKU too. Ryo smiles and says he's happy, and that that is his 'ichiban' (1st/most) liked too. (Kioku is memory, right? So... I totally didn't understand the words before that though. So I don't really know what they're talking about. *cries*) Shiori looks happy and bids Ryo goodnight, Ryo does the same for her.
- Crime scene: The chief consoles Naoto in silence. Naoto locks on the tarot card (The Moon) and the package. He then notices the teddy bear, he mentions that Shiori saw it when she was 'looking' for Naoto. Shiori calls him and tells him, she saw the teddy bear that she saw in her 'vision'. He asks her where.
- car (Hitoshi + Mari): (Okay, these two are having an affair. In episode 1, they were kissing in the backroom. In episode 2, Mari went to Hitoshi's apartment when her husband was on a business trip to Seoul.) Hitoshi receives a call from Naoto, Naoto tells him that Yosuke is dead. Mari asks who died, Hitoshi is shocked but answers her questions. Shot focuses on a camera lens that is focused on the couple.
- Shintani residence: Naoto bangs on the door (at an ungodly hour, obviously) and the land lady berates him for it. He explains that he is a detective. (I didn't understand what she told him, but from the looks of it, the Shintanis left.) Naoto flashes back to the time he was talking to Yosuke and Yosuke mentioned that the last collection he has to make is to a lady who is working in the Serizawa's hotel. (I think the landlady mentioned that the Shintanis were the ones who used to live in the apartment door he was banging at.)
- Hotel (3 Serizawas): Naoto asks his father about an employee (and I think he tells him that the employee is the suspect for Yosuke's death), Noriyoshi and Eisaku asks who the employee is, Naoto answers that it was Shintani Tae. Eisaku gets angry and goes off.
- Naoto researches on Tae's background. He finds out about the package. He then takes it to the chief. They were give orders but the chief said something that upset Naoto. Naoto grabs the teddy bear and runs off to Shiori's place.
- Cafe (Shiori + Naoto): Naoto asks Shiori something about the teddy bear. (I think she confirmed that the teddy bear was what she saw.) Naoto throws the bear back to the car and stops outside (it's raining). Shiori approaches him and sees him crying. Naoto explains what he knows of Yosuke's death. (Toma's performance here is good. The pain is there.) Shiori places a hand on Naoto's shoulder.
- Red room (Ryo): Ryo is once again glaring at the collage on the wall. He takes a marker and crosses out Yosuke's picture. He then focuses on Shiori's picture.
- Cafe (Shiori): Shiori picks a card and someone is seen to enter the shop but wasn't shown.
- Interrogation room (Naoto + Kaoru): Kaoru kindly gives Naoto some food since he hasn't eaten yet. He receives a call from Shiori. She received a package from 'Amano Makoto'.
- Cafe (Shiori + Naoto): The package contains a red envelope with the card 'The empress' inside. Shiori explains what the card means. (She said something about an important mother? 'Daiji no haha de' I fail.) Shiori 'looks' at the card and sees Hideo's harmonica being stepped on by someone. She also saw a wind... compass. (With a rooster and arrows that say what direction the wind is blowing.) She also said about a school and seeing a green umbrella. Naoto declares that he will definitely protect Shiori. He escorts her to the bookstore/library asks her to tell him if anything happens.
- In front of the bookstore/library (Ryo + Naoto): Naoto spots Ryo, Ryo greets him then walks away. Naoto asks Ryo a question about his mother, Ryo answers yes to the question. Naoto tells Ryo about Yosuke's death (I think since Ryo asked him 'your friend?' and Naoto answers 'yes') Ryo explains something. (The look of pain in Ohno's eyes. ;_;) Naoto declares something that causes Ryo to look back at Shiori and flashback on Shiori's smiles. (The look of pain! We can see Ryo battling with his feelings here.)
- Police station (Chief + Naoto): Naoto brings the tarot card that Shiori received. The chief hands Naoto a picture of Tae and Sora. (I think the chief asked him to ask Shiori to look at the picture) Then Naoto is off again.
- Bookstore (Souda): Souda spots an acquantance and meddles telling him it's been a while and messing around with the package that the guy was holding.
- Serizawa hotel (Noriyoshi + Mari + Hitoshi + Souda): Someone knocks on the door, Hitoshi opens it and is surprised to see Souda. Souda barges in, Mari discreetly goes off to hide. Hitoshi had to face down Mari & Noriyoshi's picture so that Souda wouldn't see it. Eisaku enters, Souda greets him. Eisaku reaches for his wallet, takes out a few bills and tells Souda to go back. Souda counts the bills, then leaves the room. Hitoshi apologizes. (I think Eisuke is pretty pissed.)
- Phone call (Naoto + Kaoru): Naoto is seen looking for Tae & Sora. He receives a call from Kaoru. (I think they saw Ryo's calling card in the apartment) Naoto rushes to Ryo's office.
- Naruse Ryo's office (Naoto + Ryo): Naoto asks where Ryo is, but the assistant tells him that he is busy. Naoto hears a noise inthe other room, barges in and finds Ryo talking to Tae. Naoto declares that she's under arrest.
- Interrogation room (Naoto + Chief + Ryo + Tae): They take her statement. She relates her story. At one point she takes out the gun and narrates what happened to her daughter and that seeing the teddy bear on the table is what caused her to use the gun. Apparently, the gun wasn't a bullet-gun. It has some sort of gas in it. When she fired it, it was straight to Yosuke's face. Yosuke has been suffering from asthma and so begins to cough and eventually falls on the floor. At this point, Tae grabs her bag and ran out. Ryo is seen giving Naoto his discreet scary look. He then proceeds to explain something. (Probably something about the innocence of his client)
- Police station: Kaoru has some sort of information. Naoto hears Ryo's last statement in his mind and bangs on the table. (I think she said that Tae is free to go?) Tae is seen leaving the police station. She thanks Ryo. RYO-NAOTO FACEOFF! Naoto is heated up by Ryo's words to Tae and he kind of questions Ryo on who he is protecting. Kaoru and the chief stop Naoto from pummeling Ryo to the ground. Ryo maintains his cool, and eventually leaves with Tae. Camera focuses on his face and we see his creepy slight smile. XD
- Orphanage?! (Shiori + Ryo + Tae + Sora): Shiori puts a blanket on the sleeping Sora when Ryo and Tae arrives. Ryo tells Shiori of what happened. Tae says something but I didn't understand.
- Church (Shiori + Ryo): Shiori is praying on one of the pews when Ryo arrives. Ryo stares at her and asks her something. She answers. (I couldn't understand anything. *weeps* But this is a very sad thing, I think Shiori is talking about her being an orphan.) Shiori is crying, Ryo gives her his handkerchief. She accepts it and wipes her tears. Ryo sayssomething to comfort her, (the understanding look in Ryo's eyes is disarming ;_;) he tells her that he understands.
- Shintani residence (Tae + Sora + Naoto): Naoto is seen waiting for them. He asks Sora if she remembers who gave her the teddy bear. Sora says she doesn't remember and Tae grabs her and marches home. Naoto leaves. As Tae is opening the door to their room, Sora is seen giving a V-sign to someone. This someone responds by giving a v-sign too. The camera pans and we see... the guy that Souda saw in the library earlier happily giving Sora a v-sign. *gasp*
- Flashback: Shiori is holding a basketball, rounds a corner and get shocked by what she sees. Shiori wakes up.
- Cementery: Ryo is seen to be placing lilies on his mother's grave. (This scene is being shown in between the following two scenes.)
- Cafe (Shiori + Naoto): Naoto arrives and Shiori tells him that she thinks she understands what the card means. They drive somewhere. Naoto is seen to be uncomfortable while looking at the pedestrians. Shiori spots the wind-compass and asks Naoto to stop the car. She points it out, then Naoto looks around and finds himself in his old school. (Let me just point out one thing. Ohno does not know how to drive and does not have a license. And according to the staff, the car was towed. So yeah, he wasn't really driving in this scene. XD The poor thing can't even buy his clothes on stores just online. I would bet Arashi would make fun of the fact that he is license-less again. LOL)
- School (Naoto): Naoto enters the school, and while walking on the corridor sees visions of Hideo running, and of his younger self along with his three friends chasing Hideo. Shiori follows inside and recognizes the hallway that she saw in her 'vision'. Naoto's feet carries him to the location where Hideo died. He flashes back to that time while hearing Shoiri's explanations. Naoto falls on his knees, Shiori finds him there and flashes back to her dream and it continued to show herself looking at Hideo lying in his own blood.
All in all. It's a good episode. It's a lot calmer than episode 1 & 2 since mostly it's clarifying things and piecing the pieces from episode 2 together. We also see pieces of the bigger picture in this episode which is a really nice touch, in my opinion. Ahhhhh~ I hope the ratings didn't go down. I know this was shown at the same time as something far bigger in another channel. So I hope the ratings would hold up. Last week it was Ghibli, this time... I forgot what was showing. So yeah, I have yet to research on the ratings. We'll see soon enough.
So there. I had my Evil!Ohno fix for today. *hums happily* I'll go wait for the subs next week.
G-god. It's so hot now. Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh~ I'm sweating like mad. TT^TT
Ahhh, I wanted to include caps but they're crappy. Can anyone teach me how to take better screenshots?! DX
Ack, I totally screwed Naoto and Hitoshi's names there. I had to fix them. Guuh, too excited to type things out I totally failed at seeing I misspelled their names. I also fixed some grammar errors, but there are still a lot of them there. *shifty eyes* Sorry. m(_ _)m