This is where I say "Aw, hellz to the no!"

Nov 21, 2009 22:43

Arthur! Arthur, I do not approve of this non-related Gwen making out with medieval Barbie. If you're going to be stupid and romantic for anyone, IT SHOULD NOT BE ANYONE! YOU ARE THE CROWN PRINCE OF CAMELOT, DAMMIT HAVE SOME PRIDE! AND DIDN'T THEY DO THIS STORYLINE IN SEASON 1? YEAH, I REMEMBER THAT AND I DIDN'T LIKE IT THEN EITHER. Of course, this is just my OTP bias talking.

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Oh well. At least when Lancelot comes back, Gwen and Arthur can have a little tag team jealousy. Yeah, just you wait and see, Arthur. Karma, she is a bitch.

But enough about Arthur and his stupid non-Gwen kissy face. Here's a Merlin trailer that didn't make me go "Mine eyes! Mine eyes!" Tune out the giggling and it actually looks kick ass.

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Oh and I watched Star Trek today. Fandom must be getting to me because all I could think when I saw Kirk and Spock on screen together: "Oh you two. Just make out already."

star trek, merlin, youtube

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