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sunclouds33 March 13 2016, 17:49:45 UTC
I had the same dilemma. Some quotes are classics for a reason but I always feel the impulse to dig out something more obscure. :D

I know, right? And I don't want to be lopsided with the characters too. CJ Cregg/Carmela Soprano talked A LOT over their seven season character-driven shows, more than two-season show (Atia) or a procedural where most dialogue advances the weekly plot (Diane).

I remember this episode! It's Gilmore Girls at its best. The show looks so bright and fluffy and yet it has some really hardcore undertones that can bubble to the surface and make for great drama. I thought Richard was going to have a heart attack when he got all red in the face with Christopher's parents.

I recently wrote elsewhere that Emily and Richard's approval was VERY conditional and that's problematic. However, their *love* for Lorelai and Rory couldn't be more unconditional. I love how Lorelai experiences it in that ep in multiple ways. Richard getting red in the face against the Haydens, but also Richard still holding a grudge against Lorelai for running away with Rory.

CJ and Diane are so inspiring! I have a bit of a predilection for dark or socially awkward characters. But CJ and Diane really bring a humanity to being....always witty, always brilliant, classy, expensively dressed and perfectly coiffed career women who've reached the top of their influential, powerful fields. I never feel like I'm watching a standard Strong Female Character TM just set up to be admired, but instead real, but exceptional people. Of course, the writing is a big part of that but Allison Janney and Christine Baranski are the irreplaceable ingredient. I hope you get around to watching TWW and The Good Wife!


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