lokifan also asked me for two Wesley ships that I love and one Wesley ship that I dislike. Just as with CJ Cregg, I also went overboard and needed to write a whole separate entry.
Wesley/Lilah: LoveAngel sucks at established ships- except for Angel/Darla and Wesley/Lilah. I think Wesley/Lilah just might be my favorite. Wes/Lilah is a hugely popular ship
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I hear your utility argument on Buffy/Dawn. However, Buffy is also a person. People deserve a right to protect their families within reason. (Allowing Dawn and the world to perish in an apocalypse to avoid striking a fatal blow on Dawn is NOT within reason.) I have a hard time saying that Buffy should have pushed Dawn because Buffy is the more effective monster-fighter because Buffy is stronger. Would Angel have a right to kill Fred if it came down to him or her because Angel is a big, strong Champire and Fred isn't? I mean, I think it's a little different because Buffy is the Warrior of the People and she's much more important to the human race than Angel. However, I object to this general line that Buffy committed a wrong by not killing her sister because Buffy has a higher potential utility in the future.
Holtz knew about the prophecy. He gave Wesley an ultimatum that Wesley has one day to remove Connor, or he and his bigger army will rain down a war on AI. Wes followed the ultimatum in the hopes that Holtz meant it but also to take Connor away from Holtz's plan to start an all-out war at the Hyperion.
From what I can tell, Holtz planted Justine out of Wesley's apartment to lie in wait for when Wesley came out with Connor. (Holtz likely made a reasonable guess that Wesley would need to pick up stuff at his apartment to take Connor.) He likely also had planted warriors outside the Hyperion- given that Holtz invaded like right after Wesley left with Connor.
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