(no subject)

Nov 09, 2004 14:54

Today the worst thing that could ever happen happened, Mrs. Welsh-Hawley called my mom of course, So now i'm screwed, And my life is worse than it could ever possibly be.......I want to curl up into a little ball and die....I want to hide behind everyone and everything, And just shrivel up to even more of a nothing than I allready am, My souls is fading, It feels like my hert has been ripped up and put through a shredder, For *cough*, Various reasons, And everything is going wrong in my life, Maybe I need help, But Mrs. Welsh-Hawley finding out about this was not good at all, In fact the worst thing that couldv'e happened...She blew it way out of purportion, It was a stupid little dumb thing, That was nothing, And now my mom is going to kill me, Great....

Well, [Deep, Dark, And devestating, Leaving no question as to where you've been]

There's my TBS quote for today...Xo-Chelsea-oX
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