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Feb 13, 2007 11:27

Weekend Update:

The weekend went well, I didn't get a chance to make the cobbler though.  My brother came for a visit on Saturday morning while Tom went to pick up a few things at the grocery store and BB&B.  Just about the time my brother was leaving our visitors arrived.

The girls have just gotten so loud and wild - it was crazy!  They wanted to hold and be around J the whole time except of course when we went to the mall for a bit.  They both got an outfit and I picked up a polar fleece for J on sale at Janie & Jack.

We had dinner at Pancheros and then headed home to get everyone to bed.  Ava slept in our room while Maeve slept in the guest room with her mother & father and Jacob slept in his room most of the night.  T & I stayed up a bit after getting J asleep to chat with Chris and have a glass of wine my first since having the baby.  Although it wasn't very good wine...

The next morning we had pancakes for breakfast and said Good Bye and helped them get packed up.  Then  we cleaned up after breakfast, did some additional cleaning and laundry.  T went to the gym while I stayed at home getting some stuff done with J.  Then we went to go and order the ottoman that matches my chair in the nursery since I have been rocking him to sleep most nights and it would really help my back,etc.  Got some lunch/dinner and headed to Home Depot to get the last of the plastic vents to protect J.

We got J to bed after giving him some solids and made some hamburger helper with the turkey burger we had that we did not want to waste and watched Deperate Housewives and then it was off to bed.

Monday night J was supposed to have a dinner for work so I had set up to have my mother pick me & J up after work to visit with them and have T pick us up afterwards but T changed the date but I decided that we would still go.  T forgot to leave the carseat base so he came home and had lunch with J & I.

Monday was a nice day took our time getting up at about 8 am then breakast, made the bed, got ready for the day went down to play, had lunch emptied the dishwasher, did the laundry, ran, gave J a bath and got a quick bath before we went to grandma's.

We had spagetti at Grandma's house while J got sweet potatoes and we played and watched a bit of "What Not to Wear" on TIVO and then T came to pick us up.  Then it was home and straight to bed for J and T and I went shortly afterwards.  I did clean out a shelf in our closets upstairs and move all the cleaning stuff we had under the sinks in the main bath into the closet shelf.  Must start babyproofing a bit more diligently now since J had another milestone yesterday.

Baby J's milestone:

He was up on all fours and rocking in the bathroom while I was taking a bath and did it more at Grandma's - Moma praised him and is very proud!  Before I know it he'll be full out crawling and he'll be faster then ever so I better get the baby proofing done soon.

Baby Proofing List:

Buy baby gates - one for the stairs at least since last Friday he discovered them.

Get cord covers for lamps, TV & Computer cords.

More vent covers for the first floor at least - nicer ones for the hardwoods though.

*Not sure yet what to do about keeping him out of the litter box...

*We already have the electrical outlets covered which is good since Friday he discovered those too!


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