Feb 27, 2007 14:09
Okay so we do this thing, called "group midterm". That means we don't individually sign up for teacher comments, we do it in a FUCKING GROUP. We did it last semester and it took fucking forever. Here's how it goes:
First people, like the first two or three people get forty minutes, which is WAY too long with about eighteen to twenty people in a class, then the next people get thirty minutes because we have to "pick up the pace", my ass, then prof goes, "okay, lunch break, but instead of an hour I REALLY want you to be back in forty-five minutes" ("I really want" meaning "if you don't I'll fuckin fail you for the midterm because lateness is unacceptable!!"), so we go and rush back after shoving something in our mouths and prof goes "gotta pick up the pace" so he spends thirty minutes on each person anyway, then twenty then goes "someone time me" so I go "okay ten minutes prof" and he goes "okay let me wrap this up" and spends another ten minutes wrapping it up, and I say "twenty minutes prof" and he says "let me wrap this up" (again) and spends five minutes "wrapping it up", my ass, so then finally we really only spend fifteen minutes per person and the last people get shafted because class only goes from nine to three and it's three thirty and no one wants to properly critique the last people which is unfair and then we don't even get to the last six people which is about 33% of the goddamn class
I said this at work today all in one sentence and they were all amazed
Yesterday for my writing class we watched Secretary, about this woman...Nevermind, IMDB or wiki that shit... It's a 2002 movie with Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader (if I spelled their names right) and...if someone could explain why we watched it for class I'd be grateful.