long time no type

Mar 03, 2006 20:00

Its been a long time since i wrote here... well here goes... im almost 2/3 of the way done with my freshman year in college.. which is crazy to think about its just going by soo fast... Im single and well meh its just a position i have to get used to ... school is hard but thats something i need to get used to also... im normally doing homework or working sometimes i get lucky and actually just get to relax and do nothing for a while.. well every so man weeks atleast... i love ucsc its just hard to be tugged so much between my past the present and my future.. im not even sure where its all gonna lead anymore but hey that means im finally a normal person .. not being set with goals and dreams... there is soo much i want yet know i cant achieve its not fun to think about but its beter t accept it than to push myself into a position where im half dead and depressed non-stop... i really miss karina and bethy... damn those eaast coast schools stealing them away with thier big names adn fancy shiza. im really happy for them though.. they really seem to have blossomed over there...i wish i could blossom like them and move on with my life so well... Im also very excited for my friends here thier all doing real well at cabrillo nad hwere ever else thier going.. i just wish we could be the gang again .... its kinda hard though... I guess u can say im growing as a person but who knows... Im still writing my poetry and reading ym books.. but its just not getting me through anymore...well now i get to sitt on my ass all night on a friday adn pout cuz i cant go out and do anything cuz no one is around
<3 ya'all mucho
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