Dec 05, 2004 01:20
stolencoffeecups: you wanna hear the poem i wrote for you?
FiveAlarmFireBoy: yeah fo sho
stolencoffeecups: k hang on
FiveAlarmFireBoy: alright
stolencoffeecups: conor you won the confressional medal of honor
it was sweet like kinetic theory of heat
or lousisanas bananas
i can rhyme in pacific standard time
or john mayer living in the ozone layer
we went to waffle house with our mexican pocket mouse
i think you're neat like indian beet
stolencoffeecups: sweet.
stolencoffeecups: damn. fucking good.
stolencoffeecups: awesome like a common oppossum
stolencoffeecups: great like basal metabolic rate
stolencoffeecups: greasy like saint francis of assissi
FiveAlarmFireBoy: ghats awesome
FiveAlarmFireBoy: thats awesome
stolencoffeecups: im glad you like it. its a song.
FiveAlarmFireBoy: i gonna put that in my profivle if you dont mind
FiveAlarmFireBoy: cause i think its the raddest thing ever
stolencoffeecups: go for it
stolencoffeecups: melissa is gonna put tune to it
stolencoffeecups: she'll sing it.
stolencoffeecups: ill interpretive dance
FiveAlarmFireBoy: awesome
stolencoffeecups: we'd like to think so.
stolencoffeecups: i bet you cant rhyme like me
FiveAlarmFireBoy: i bet i cant lol
FiveAlarmFireBoy: who should i put the author as yall or as like some secret society of famous poets
stolencoffeecups: gunit
Tomight. was good. More to come on this story.