SW/FF X-Over: Part 24

Sep 05, 2011 22:53

Characters: All the women, plus Cloud, Zack, Snow, and many staff members. Actually, it'd probably be easier to list who isn't in this one.
Rating: M, because Tifa and Cloud are doing naughty things ;)

Seven decisions were made. Some were small, some were big. Each had their own reverberations that would affect everyone for days, months, or possibly years. All were made in the wake of the impending deployment to the Outer Rim territories, where a Sith lord and his apprentice were hiding.

Most - no, all of them were worried in some way or another, though one was relieved beneath the outward fear. One wasn’t sure how this could end well. Two of them were about to get very honest with their staff. One had a dinner to make. Another one would have the words that would change the outcome of the conflict. The last one had news that would change everything.

None of them would be the same when it was all said and done.


Tifa felt selfish. So many of her good friends - both old and new - were about to get sent on a dangerous mission. Her first reaction? Relief that it wasn’t Cloud being sent.

The reason he was staying was likely because he had just taken on a new Padawan. The Order practiced tough love, with emphasis on the tough, but even a recent youngling-turned-Padawan going after a Sith was a bit too tough. Tifa silently thanked Denzel and the timing of it all for keeping Cloud here and out of danger.

Yes, it was all very selfish, she thought as she pulled Cloud into her bedroom. It was selfish and she wasn’t entirely comfortable with it. She felt rather guilty, if she was being honest.

As she backpedaled, she felt the weight of Cloud’s stare. When her eyes lifted and locked with his, she could tell he was reading her. She knew he could feel the overwhelming relief and anxiety in her, and she made no effort to hide it. Tifa had learned quickly that veiling her emotions never ended well.

She tugged off his cloak, letting it drop heavily to the floor as she pulled his mouth down to hers. She needed this right now, this reassurance that he was here and would be staying. She needed him.

And he knew it. Cloud, who was usually the dominant one in their lovemaking, let her take control this time. He kissed and he nipped and he touched in all the right places, but he was letting her set the pace. He knew she needed this, and she loved him for it.

Despite her hurry and her desperation, she took her time in undressing him, as she always did. There was something wonderful in stripping away his uniform - the Jedi - to reveal the man underneath, the one she loved and needed.

He gently pushed her onto the bed, his eyes scorching and vibrant blue as he breathed out her name.

Right then, with his eyes boring into hers and finding herself lost yet paradoxically at peace, Tifa decided that she had a right to be selfish. She had gone years without him, and she had suffered in those years. Now he was here and a damn Sith wasn’t going to take that away from her, not after just getting him back.

Yet she struggled to articulate those thoughts to him. How could she tell him that? What words could convey everything that she felt?

Her voice soft and her body relaxing as he undressed her, his eyes still on her, she smiled and said, “I love you.”


“You love him, don’t you?” Zone said to Rinoa as they stood in her living room. Watts was nodding his head, indicating that he, too, knew this. “Squall. You’re crazy about him.”

“I am,” Rinoa admitted, her smile watery as she wiped away tears. “And I haven’t even told him because I didn’t want to burden him. Now he’s left and I don’t know when I’ll see him again or-”

Watts suddenly ran to her, and his arms encircled her in seconds. Rinoa blinked, surprised at the hug. Watts wasn’t a touchy-feely person, and she’d never known him to be a hugger. “Watts…?”

“We must stay positive, sir,” he said. “He’s gonna come home. Then you can tell him, right?”

Touched by his supportiveness, Rinoa gently hugged him back. “Yeah,” she said. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll tell him when he comes home. No matter what will happen when he’s gone, I’m gonna tell him.”

Zone frowned, puzzled by her words. They seemed a bit too foreboding for his tastes. “What do you mean?”

Rinoa stepped back from Watts, breaking the hug so she could turn to look at Zone. “Seifer,” she murmured. His name was a heavy force that suddenly made the air feel thick. “If Squall comes home, and the mission goes well, what will that mean for Seifer?”

Her two best friends, always quick with advice and support… even they couldn’t find the answer. Zone shifted uncomfortably while Watts stared at the ground. “Well, sir, I mean-” Watts scratched the back of his head. “Maybe he’ll turn himself in or do a heel-face-turn.”

It ignited a spark of hope that Rinoa refused to nurture, or even acknowledge. She stubbornly smothered it. “It’s unlikely,” she said. “Besides, it’s Seifer. Once he sets his mind on something, there’s very little persuading him otherwise.”

Watts heaved out a sigh as he sat down on one of the couches, his shoulders sagged. “Isn’t there anything we can do, sir?”

Rinoa put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “For Seifer? No. That’s up to him.”

Zone snorted in contempt. “Screw him, I say. He sealed his own fate.”

Rinoa would have given anything to go back and re-examine her time with Seifer, to see if there were warning signs she had missed. But she couldn’t save him now. “I know. I think I’m just going to focus on Squall and hope for his return home, even if it means Seifer’s end.” Even though it would mean both joy and pain for her. She knew which outcome she preferred, though.

Watts tried to give Rinoa an encouraging smile while Zone put his arm around her shoulders. “We’re here for you,” he said to her. “No matter what.”


“Yunie, no matter what you have to say,” Rikku implored, her hands on Yuna’s shoulders, “I’ve got your back. We all do.”

Yuna had gathered her staff in a loose circle at home. She had called them all here shortly after Tidus had said his good-byes. She had considered doing this with him, but with the recent crisis she had decided to do it alone. He had enough to worry about. Besides, these people - these friends - were her staff. This was something they needed to hear from her.

She smiled as she gently squeezed Rikku’s hand. “Thank you. I’m sorry about all this, but… I don’t think I want to hide it anymore.”

Lulu frowned. “Hide what?” she asked. On the surface, her voice sounded calm, but after years spent together, Yuna had learned to detect the worry.

Holding her head up a little high - she wasn’t going to look ashamed about this - she inhaled before beginning, “I haven’t been entirely honest with all of you about something. I’ve wanted to tell you for so long, but I didn’t know how.” Keeping her arms at her side, refusing to fidget, she pressed on, “I’ve been - I’m in a relationship with someone. Someone I love very much.”

Wakka spluttered while Lulu tried not to, and Rikku was understandably surprised. “Why didn’t you tell us?” she said, sounding hurt. “It’s not like we were gonna beat him up and interrogate him or something!”

“It’s not that,” Yuna said, shaking her head. As the rest of her staff tried to process this, Yuna lifted her eyes, unexpectedly meeting Auron’s gaze. Even from behind the shades, she could see the knowing in his eyes. He had already figured it out. She sighed lightly, wary of his reaction. He could be unpredictable sometimes. “You know, don’t you, Sir Auron?”

He let out a low chuckle. “I had… my suspicions. You merely confirmed them. You understand how risky it is, being with a Jedi?”

“What?” Wakka shouted. “A Jedi?” He spun around to face Yuna. “Who?”

“What other Jedi has been around here, idiot?” Lulu snapped, her arms crossed.

“You and Tidus?” Rikku said, her eyes wide. “Really? But Yunie-”

“I know!” Yuna cut off the protests of the others with a swing of her arm. “I know it’s risky and stupid and could get us both into a lot of trouble-”

“Consider your position, Yuna,” Lulu said, her tone firm, much like it was in their younger days, when she was scolding Yuna for something she did.

Arguments and confrontations - especially against Lulu - were not Yuna’s thing, but she would not back down this time. “I did,” she said, surprising Lulu with her answer, “But I’m happy. For the first time since I was a child, I am really happy. It’s enough for me.” She looked away from her staff and their probing eyes. “I can’t give more of an explanation than that. I’m sorry if it’s not enough for you.”


“Enough, Steiner!” Garnet said, her tone harsh as she stopped the burly man in mid-rant. “I will not stand here and have you - you lecture me.”

Scolded, but persistent nonetheless, Steiner continued, albeit much more calmly, “Lady Senator, forgive me, but please try to understand where I’m coming from.”

“I do.” Garnet took her hands off of her hips, though her eyes were still scorching with smoldering anger. “For the love of all that’s holy, Steiner, did you think I did this on a whim?”


“It wasn’t like I asked for this to happen, like I’m doing this in some act of rebellion. I love him, and yes, he’s a Jedi. It hasn’t made things easy but I decided not to let that stop me a long time ago.”

“Garnet…” Freya, her long-time advisor and friend (and bodyguard on occasion), took a step forward from her perch next to Amarant. “Who else knows?”

That was a tricky question to answer. Garnet shifted her weight to one foot as she carefully thought over her response. It was one thing to expose her own relationship, but to expose the others’ was not something she had the right to do. “Not very many,” she said, purposefully vague. “Uncle Cid certainly doesn’t, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

“Surely he wouldn’t say anything though?” Freya asked.

“No, but if we were discovered and he was found to be a part of it, he could face serious consequences as well.” Garnet sighed, guilt festering inside her. She loved her Uncle Cid, the one who had practically raised her and taught her so much. To leave him out felt cruel, and yet she had to, for his sake. “He’s better off not knowing for now. I’d like to keep this between all of us.” Her eyes went to Amarant, and then to Steiner. “Or will that be a problem?”

Amarant dismissively waved one of his giant hands. “I really could care less.”

Garnet nearly rolled her eyes, but this time she was grateful for Amarant’s indifference and so she didn’t.

Steiner slowly nodded, but he was obviously hesitant. “Senator, why now? You said earlier you’ve been hiding this for nearly a year and a half.”

Garnet averted her gaze, unable to meet the question in Steiner’s eyes. She walked over to the far wall, which from it hung in glass an original copy of one of Garnet’s favorite poems. Zidane had given it to her after he found it on a mission. “Because I want to be honest, and because I want you to understand how scared I am right now. Zidane’s going on this mission and this one - it could kill any and all of them.” She wrapped her arms around her chest, her voice shaking as she continued, “I’m terrified. I don’t want to lose him.”

Freya walked over to her, her steps ginger and light as she peered down at her. “Just how dangerous is this mission?”


“They’re looking for a Sith?” Snow said, his expression shocked as he stared at Serah.

“Shh!” she hissed. “They want to take care of it before the public finds out. You can’t say anything, okay? I shouldn’t even be telling you!”

Snow nodded. Satisfied, Serah turned around and went back to cutting up the chicken she was preparing for dinner. “Don’t tell Sis I told you, either.”

“Ah, don’t worry.” Snow’s lips curled into his usual smile as he leaned back into the couch. “But if it’s such a big secret, why did you tell me?”

Without breaking her stride, Serah answered, “Because I want you to be a real part of my life, and Sis’, too. She may not like you right now, but I want her to begin to get to know you better.” She lifted her head up from her work, her brow furrowed slightly as she stared out the kitchen window. “I guess I just wanted you to be in the loop, too. So you knew I took us seriously. But like I said, you can’t say a word. If anyone hears about this, it could start a wave of panic.”

Snow sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, I know. Then your sister could get into a load of trouble if they trace the source back here. I get it.” Seemingly unconcerned, Snow flashed Serah one of his grins, even if she wasn’t looking. “I promise, I won’t say or hint at anything.”

Serah nodded, shooting him a smile over her shoulder before turning to put the chicken into the pot. She suddenly stopped what she was doing when she heard Snow say, “Thank you.”

“For what?” she asked, her eyes glued onto the food in front of her.

“For telling me, and for trusting me.”

Serah turned around completely, and she was met with a rather serious face, especially coming from Snow. His eyes narrowing, he looked towards the door, which Lightning was expected to walk through at any moment. “I wish she would, too. Trust me, I mean. I know I kind of didn’t make a big deal about it at first, but now it’s starting to get to me.”

“You need to give her time,” Serah said. “She doesn’t trust easily. Being skeptical and cautious is how we’ve managed to stay together so long.” Her smile brightened as she gestured to all the ingredients on the kitchen counter. “You’ll have a chance to prove yourself tonight. If her friends like you, then she might be willing to give you a chance.”

Snow nodded. “I know an opportunity when I see one, and I’m glad for it, but with all of them departing so soon, are you sure this is the right time?”

“I offered to postpone it, but they all wanted to do it,” she said. “One last fun time together before they head off, I guess. The least I can do is cook up a good meal, right?”

“Your cooking’s great. They’re gonna love it. When are they all coming anyway?”

“In about an hour. One of them is going to be running late, though. He got held up at the Temple, and he wanted to see his girlfriend before coming here.”


Zack tightly embraced Aerith, burying his face in her hair. “I really hate Sith lords.”

In spite of her fears and sadness, Aerith couldn’t help but laugh. “Me too. They’re our current bane of existence, I suppose.”

“I think my job is the bane of our existence,” Zack retorted.

Aerith stepped back, her eyes wide and questioning as she stared hard into Zack’s eyes. In all the time they’d been together, she’d never heard him talk about his duty like that, even in the most trying of times. “You love being a Jedi,” she said.

“But I love you more,” he countered, cupping her cheek. “It’s starting to wear on me, Aerith. All this hiding and secrecy. I do like being a Jedi and I have a lot of fun being one, but… I think it’s time for me to move on.”

She could not believe what she was hearing. A part of her was excited, so excited at the thought of him leaving and not having to hide anymore, but another part of her was skeptical. “Zack, if it’s because of this new mission, you might be gone awhile but it won’t be forever.”

“I know,” he said with his cheeky grin. “And I’m gonna help my friends out. I won’t rest easy until these guys are caught. I don’t like the thought of Sith running free out there.” He leaned his head down until his forehead touched hers. “Aer, trust me, I gave this a lot of thought. I have for awhile. We’re lucky we’ve gotten away with this so far, but I don’t think I want to push my luck for much longer.”

At a loss, Aerith just shook her head. “Zack…”

“I’ve made up my mind. Once this mission is over, I’m retiring. I’ll still hang out with Cloud and the others, and I’ll help them, but I want to move forward. I can’t if I’m stuck being a Jedi. I wanna move forward together, even if that means putting my light saber away.” He took his hands in hers, giving them a squeeze. “Will you do it with me?”

Aerith nodded, pushing back tears as she held him and pressed her face into his chest. “I can’t believe it’ll be over. I feel - I’m kind of not sure how I feel. I’m happy and I’m sad and…”

“Me too,” Zack said, holding her close. “Let’s worry about it after the mission. I gotta survive that first.”

Lifting her head up to meet his eyes, Aerith said firmly, “You will. I’ll worry about you, but I know you’ll come back. Everyone always finds their way home, no matter how lost or in danger they are. And this is your home.”

“You’re my home,” he corrected, and they both smiled.


“When’s Cecil gonna come home?” Palom whined, a tiny scowl etched into his face as he draped himself over the arm of the loveseat.

Porom shot him a stern look, making her look older than her five years. “Don’t you listen? Lady Rosa said it wouldn’t most likely be for a few weeks!”

Her brother groaned loudly, but Porom didn’t scold him as per usual. Instead, she merely sighed and went back to her book.

From the dining room, Rosa could see the unvoiced groan in the little girl’s eyes, too, as she watched the twins. Her eyes saddened as she thought about her husband, en route to Lightning’s home for dinner before he left for his mission the next day. Please be safe, my love.

To her left, she felt more than she saw Rydia sit next to her. “Kinda quiet around here,” the younger woman said.

“Cecil just left. We all feel it when he does.”

Rydia’s sharp eyes went to Rosa’s face. “This mission. Is it that bad?”

For all her youth, Rydia was one of the most observant people Rosa knew. The handmaiden must have sensed Rosa’s distress. The senator thought over her choice of words carefully, as to not raise alarm. “It’s serious,” she said. “That’s why he had to leave so soon.”

Rydia cocked her head to the side. “Yeah, and just when you get the big news. How’d he take it?”

Rosa had sincerely hoped Rydia wouldn’t ask about that. Flushing slightly, she turned her head away. “I… didn’t tell him.”

She could all but hear Rydia’s mouth drop to the table. “You didn’t tell him? Rosa!” It wasn’t often Rydia addressed Rosa informally. It was a sure sign at how shocked she was. “This is huge! It’s not like you getting a new set of lingerie and not telling him!”

Porom looked up from her studies. “What’s lingerie?” she asked innocently.

Palom snorted contemptuously. “It’s probably girlie stuff. Who cares?”

Appearing from nowhere, as was his custom, Edge suddenly poked his head around the corner. “Who’s got new lingerie?”

Rydia scowled. “Hoo boy.” She turned to the children, smiling as she answered, “They’re just fancy pajamas girls wear.” She then turned towards Edge, her scowl returning. “No one, especially not me, so go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.”

Scolded, Edge slunk away as the children nodded and went back to their former employment.

Once the coast was clear, Rydia took Rosa by the shoulder and turned her away to give them slightly more privacy. “Like I was saying, why didn’t you tell him?”

“Because the mission is serious, and he will have enough on his mind.” Rosa took Rydia’s hands in hers, imploring for her understanding. “I couldn’t add to it.”

“But he might not be back for awhile.”

“I know.” It had been a hard decision to make, but Rosa was determined to stand firm in it. “Think of it this way: he’ll come home to good news. Especially after how long and dangerous this mission might be, I think he’d be thrilled to hear something good.”

Not entirely convinced but pacified, Rydia nodded. “All right. I just hope he doesn’t take too long. I hate waiting, and I’m sure it’s worse for you. This is ginormous, you know?”

Rosa smiled, though she knew all too well the truth in Rydia’s words. “Yes, but it’ll be worth it,” she said, her hand drifting over her abdomen to rub it gently. “This one is worth it.”

x-over, star wars, final fantasy

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