SW/FF Crack X-Over - Part 22

Jul 24, 2011 21:23

Characters: Mainly Bartz, Faris, Lenna, and Galuf with a bit of Zack, Cecil, Lightning, Tifa and Aerith at the end
Rating: T for language. We are dealing with a pirate, after all.

The space pirate Faris Scherwiz had, once upon a time, caused quite a headache for the authorities. For three years, she had eluded capture and raided hundreds of ships. Over the course of those few years, she had built a sizable crew and was armed enough to take on a small fleet. The crew of the Syldra became infamous throughout the galaxy. Its denizens wove colorful tales and harbored secret admiration of the crew and their fearless (if not reckless) Captain Faris. The authorities - the trading companies in particular - and the Jedi found them to be a growing threat and a legitimate problem.

Things came to a head when suddenly, for no apparent reason, Faris set her sights on Tycoon. Its trading ships were continually harassed, though the Syldra never attacked any ships flying near the planet. The King of Tycoon, fearful of the potential economic crisis that could result from the repeated bombardment of his ships, deployed military ships to protect any trading ships that were a considerable distance from the planet.

In hindsight, it was easy to see that he played straight into Faris’ hands. With only half of the usual number of ships protecting Tycoon, Faris and the Syldra’s crew were able to enter the planet with only minor difficulty, despite the opposition they faced. They landed on Tycoon, near the sacred Wind Shrine which no one but the Royal Family had permission to enter, and headed for the capital.

The biggest shock was to come, though. After invading the capital and tearing their way through the city, Faris and her crew made it to the Palace. However, instead of demanding money or supplies or anything of material importance, they kidnapped the King’s only daughter, Lenna, and escaped with her from Tycoon.

Naturally, the King ordered most of his troops to pursue Faris and the Syldra. As expected, though not hoped for, they managed to evade capture. The King of Tycoon and his people waited for a ransom notice, but nothing came. After a week of silence, he and the rest of his country realized that Faris was not interested in ransom money; she had deliberately set her sights on Princess Lenna and her alone.

Upon realizing this, the King immediately begged Tycoon’s Senator to put in a plea to the Senate and Jedi Council so something could be done to recover Lenna. The Senator did so, and the Jedi Council dispatched dozens and dozens of Jedi to search the galaxy for Faris and the crew of the Syldra and bring back Princess Lenna alive.

That is where Bartz’s story begins.


The Syldra had been spotted in the skies of Spira. It was the first major lead the Jedi had had since the search for Faris had begun, and the Council was wasting no time in pursuing it.

Bartz stood at attention in the center of the Council’s meeting room. Being summoned to stand before the Masters had always made him nervous, though he learned to hide it a long time ago. It was something about having thirteen pairs of eyes on him-


“Yes, Master Galuf.” Bartz grinned, covering his temporary lapse of attention. “Spira, right? Was the ship seen landing?”

“In the ruins to the north,” Master Fang answered. Bartz glanced to his left to meet her gaze. “We’re sending you there to check it out and see if the report holds any weight.”

“Just me?” Bartz asked.

Fang smirked. “The report was a bit… incredulous. But considering it’s all we’ve gotten so far, we’re in no position to ignore it. At the very least, it’s worth a look. Head up there and see what you can find.”

“Use caution, Bartz,” Master Minwu said in his usual quiet voice. “Should Faris be there, you must be careful.”

“She’s a slippery eel,” Fang added, her expression serious. “Rumor has it she’s got a weapon that can combat a lightsaber.”

Bartz had heard the same rumor. In most cases, he would have shrugged it off. Sure, there were weapons out there that could deflect a lightsaber, but they were rare and hard to come by. However, considering what Faris had gotten away with and how well armed (and funded) she was, Bartz had to give the rumor the benefit of the doubt.

“Yes sirs,” he said with a bow. “I’ll head out right away.”


The ruins of Zanarkand were a snapshot of the past, a remainder of a time long since forgotten. Ever since a great entity smashed the ruins one-thousand years ago, the place had been left abandoned and ruined (or so the legends went). It didn’t surprise Bartz that Faris would hide out here; the Spirans hardly came up this way, for the land was sacred, not to mention far away from the rest of Spira’s civilization.

Bartz hopped off the speeder that the local military unit had loaned him. He glanced around, looking for some sign that Faris and her crew were there. “It’s quiet,” he murmured to himself as he began walking deeper into the ruins. “If they’re here, they’re farther back. Still, you’d think the Syldra would be visible.”

Undeterred, he happily climbed and trekked his way through the ruins. Part of what Bartz loved about being a Jedi was the traveling he did. He had insatiable wanderlust, and it was missions just like this that he loved: getting to romp around ruins and see new places. His duty was just that: his duty. His real reason for being a Jedi was to see as much of the galaxy as he could. His missions were just means to an end.

Still, he planned on finding the crew of the Syldra, if they really were here. After three hours of searching, Bartz had turned up nothing. He was starting to wonder if the reports had been false when something caught his attention from the corner of his eye.

There was a huge dome that loomed in the distance. What exactly it was for, Bartz didn’t know. However, as he began walking over to it, he caught sight of the tip of the tail of the Syldra, peeking out from behind the dome. He immediately ducked out of sight and kept his eyes and senses peeled for any of the crew members. Looks like the report was right, after all.

From somewhere to his right, he heard someone digging through some scrap. He made his way over to the source of the sound, his hand steadily hovering over his lightsaber. Hidden amongst the remains of an old house, he slowly peered over a wall to see who was making the noise.

Imagine his surprise when he spotted Princess Lenna hopping around, collecting scrap bits and parts while humming a tune. Bartz glanced around, looking for some sign of a guard. Surely they weren’t letting their hostage roam around freely?

He watched her, and as the minutes passed, no one came by. Bartz was shocked; what kind of idiot let their prisoner wander around by herself without supervision? It would be fairly easy for her to make a run for it and-

Actually, that brought up another good point. Why wasn’t she trying to escape? Bartz was puzzled, but if Princess Lenna was unsupervised, this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. Making himself more visible, he called out in a low voice, “Princess!”

Her head snapped up, and she swiveled in Bartz’s direction, her eyes wide. “Who are you?”

“I’m a Jedi Knight.” Bartz looked around again to make sure no one was coming. “I was dispatched to find and rescue you. Are you alone?”

“You need to get out of here!” Lenna hissed under her breath. “Please! Before they spot you!”

“Thank you for your concern, but my job is to bring you back to Tycoon, and if I have to get through a few guards-”

“No, don’t!” she snapped, shaking her head. “You can’t!”


“I am not going back there.” Lenna clenched her jaw resolutely as she gripped the small stack of scraps she was holding. “I will not go back to Tycoon and back to that - to that malevolent adoptive father. I won’t!”

What? Bartz thought in shock. “What do you mean-”

“Lenna!” Voices echoed in the distance. “Where’d you get to?”

“Go, before they come!” Lenna demanded under her breath before turning around. “I’ll distract them so you can get away. Now go!” She ran off, leaving no room for argument.

Bartz considered going after her, but when he heard more guards coming, he cursed and ran. Even though he failed to rescue Lenna, he had learned quite a bit, enough worth reporting back to the Masters about.


“So, Faris and her crew were in Spira,” Master Galuf said as he walked down a hall in the Temple with Bartz. “And you saw Lenna?”

Bartz nodded. “I tried to bring her with me, but… this might sound weird, but Lenna didn’t want to come with me. She said she refused to go back to Tycoon and her ‘malevolent adoptive father’.” He glanced over at Galuf. “Do you know what that’s about?”

“Well now…” Galuf rubbed his beard, his steps slowing as he thought over it. “I once heard that the princesses of Tycoon were actually adopted.”


“Ah, that would have been when you were young. There were two daughters of the king: Sarisa and Lenna. The oldest was out fishing with the king one day when a storm hit. She went overboard, and she was never found. Princess Lenna has been an only child since.”

Something about that story sent a tingle down Bartz’s spine. “How was their relationship with the king? I mean - I never heard of Princess Lenna disliking her father that much.”

“Well, let’s face it, Bartz. The king isn’t too popular with most political circles and for good reason.”

Bartz scratched the back of his head. “Yeah, I’ve heard. He’s a bit of a jerk, isn’t he?”

Galuf laughed. “That’s an understatement. He’s none too kind. I can only imagine what kind of father he is.”

Bartz had wondered that, too. He had heard plenty of stories about Tycoon’s king, and after what Lenna had said earlier, he imagined most of them were true. “Master Galuf, if Lenna doesn’t want to go back then-”

Galuf was shaking his head before Bartz could even finish. “It was an order from the Council, and not to mention one from the Senate. We need to get her back, Bartz, and arrest Faris. I don’t like putting her back in such a miserable place, but it’s our duty.”

“Right.” Bartz glanced away from Galuf, his voice low as he repeated, “Our duty.”


It might have been his duty, but Bartz certainly didn’t have to like it. With his mission done and Faris having made a run for it before the authorities could corner her in Spira, Bartz was left with nothing to do. Unfortunately, that meant he had all the more time to think, and the more he thought, the less he liked what Galuf had told him.

“Why can’t Princess Lenna’s feelings be taken into account?” Bartz pondered out loud in his room. “I mean, if she doesn’t want to go back, do we have the right to force her?” He laid his head on his pillow and stared up at the pale, blank ceiling. “I get that the king wants her back, but… I’m overthinking this.” Bartz sighed and closed his eyes. “I guess it’s something she would have to work out with her father. Jedi can’t get involved.”

Despite repeating that last phrase over and over to himself, by the time it was nightfall Bartz was no closer to convincing himself of that than he was at the start. He sat up in bed, his frown deepening as he thought about something else that was bothering him. “What are the chances,” he murmured, “of Lenna wanting to get out of there and then Faris just happening to kidnap her? I’m missing something here.”

Suddenly he shook his head and laughed. “Geez, this isn’t like me at all. When did I get so serious?” He smiled, but even he knew it was forced. “Still, this whole matter is bugging me. Why did Faris kidnap Lenna anyway?”

A sharp knock on his door interrupted his thoughts. He quickly hopped off the bed and opened the door.

He was met with Galuf’s grave expression. “Bartz. Sorry to bother you this late, but we need you to head out immediately.”

Masking his surprise, Bartz nodded. “Where am I going?”

“Faris has been seen in a port on Tatooine. If she gets much farther, she could disappear in the Outer Rim territories. We’re going to send you out ahead as a scout to scope the area and ensure they don’t leave. We’ll send out more Jedi shortly afterward to help you take down Faris and her crew and secure Princess Lenna.” Galuf gave Bartz a pat on the shoulder. “I know it’s a lot, but this might be our only chance. Can you do it?”

“Of course.” Suppressing his hesitation and doubt, Bartz summoned his lightsaber to him and secured it in his robes. “I’m ready,” he said, his words conflicting with what he felt inside.


Tatooine wasn’t the nicest of planets. Although there had been considerable progress in cleaning up the place, there were still criminal pockets and shady organizations that were managing to escape the authorities. It wasn’t at all surprising that Faris could find refuge here. Her reputation and sizable crew alone were enough to secure her a safe passage from Tatooine, no questions asked.

It wasn’t easy for Jedi to blend in, especially in Mois Eisley. A Jedi stuck out like a sore thumb, and if word reached Faris that a Jedi was in town, she’d bolt. That was why Bartz did everything in his power to remain unseen, even going so far as to use the Jedi mind trick to “convince” a few passersby that they didn’t see him.

Once he found the hangar that housed the Syldra, Bartz kept his head low as he snuck in through a back door, keeping his steps light and quiet as he navigated the corridors. The Force helped him sense any hangar workers heading in his direction. It was also easy to hear them: the metallic floors were difficult to tread on quietly, and the heavy boots worn by the workers were loud enough to be heard from yards away.

You’d have to be deaf to get caught in here, Bartz thought as he hid behind a wall as some workers walked by. But that might not be the case with Faris’ crew.

Once the workers were gone, he poked his head around the corner. Down the hall, he saw some workers enter a room. One of them seemed to be on the lookout while the others hurried in. That has to be it, Bartz thought as the last worker shut the door behind him. Wasting no time, Bartz quietly ran down the hall, stopping just outside the door. With his hand on his lightsaber, he slowly pushed open the door.

When no shots were fired or anything to signal he’d been spotted, Bartz entered, his eyes and sense constantly on alert as he closed the door. Up ahead, he heard voices drifting from the hangar. He strode forward, keeping himself in the shadows as he proceeded towards the hangar.

To his right, he saw a stack of crates and machinery. He ducked behind them, and used it as a vantage point to monitor the hangar’s activities.

Cautiously, he peered over the top of the pile. On the far side of the room was the Syldra, guarded by her crew and being fueled by the hangar workers. Surrounded by a throng of Faris’ best guards, Princess Lenna was sitting and watching the activities with wide-eyed wonder, all the while chatting with one or two of her guards.

No sign of Faris, though. Bartz wondered if the infamous captain was on board, or perhaps negotiating with the hangar manager for a safe and secret departure.

He began counting the number of crewmen around, and seeing how many were armed and what they were armed with. Most of them had blasters, and Bartz couldn’t see anything that a lightsaber couldn’t cut through. We’ll be outnumbered, but not overpowered. It shouldn’t be-

A fluctuation in the Force had Bartz sharply turning his head around, and only seconds to react to the attack that came at him from behind. He flipped over the stack, and as soon as he landed he drew his weapon. The attacker came around and swung again. Bartz brought up his lightsaber defensively, but instead of his weapon cutting through like expected, it met and held against the other weapon.

Bartz’ stomach dropped as he saw the weapon he was up against: an electrostaff. It dropped even further when he looked up and saw who he was up against: Captain Faris.

“Looks like we got a rat pokin’ around here,” Faris said with a smirk. “A Jedi, too. Yer more than likely a scout, no?”

There were shouts from the crew, and the hangar workers were already running out the door in terror. Ignoring these distractions, Bartz pushed against Faris’ weapon, knocking her back. He swung quickly, but Faris was able to bring her weapon up and deflect.

“You’re pretty skilled to keep up with a Jedi’s reflexes,” Bartz commented as they exchanged blows, electrostaff meeting lightsaber.

“An old Jedi taught me a fair bit,” Faris said, standing on the balls of her feet as she watched Bartz’s movements closely. “Said I could have had what it took to become one of ya, but I didn’t find it appealing.”

“An old Jedi?” Bartz frowned as Faris swung and he dodged. He made a quick jab at her, which she deftly stepped out of the way of. “A retired one?”

“I owe that person too great of a debt to be givin’ their name away.” Faris swung up, knocking Bartz’s lightsaber out of his hands. Before she could deal a killing blow, Bartz used the Force to shove her back. As she flew back and hit the wall, Bartz summoned back his lightsaber. He brought it up, and was about to land what could have been a debilitating blow when he saw someone coming from his right.

“Stop!” Lenna screamed as she ran towards them. She slid to a halt, planting herself firmly between Bartz and Faris.

“Lenna!” Faris shouted, getting to her feet. “Get outta the way!”

“He needs me alive!” Lenna argued, keeping her eyes on Bartz the whole time. “I won’t let him hurt you!”

Understandably puzzled, though he was beginning to figure out what was going on, Bartz lowered his weapon as he said, “Princess, this woman kidnapped you. Why are you protecting her?”

“She rescued me,” Lenna said. “And this woman is my sister.”

Although his eyes widened in surprise, a part of Bartz already knew it was true. “She’s Princess Sarisa?” He looked around Lenna and at Faris. “I thought you went overboard.”

“I did,” she said, her hand clutching her staff tightly. “I was taught how to swim. I saw an opportunity and I took it, even though it meant leaving Lenna behind.” Faris stared down at the ground, her head bowed. “What kind of big sister does that?”

“One who didn’t have any other choice,” Lenna said softly. “If you hadn’t escaped, then we would both still be there. I knew you’d come back for me,” she added, smiling.

“Do you hate the king that much?” Bartz asked. Rumors were one thing; it was time he got the truth straight from the source.

“Lemme tell ya a story, Jedi,” Sarisa said, standing up straight. “Tycoon’s previous ruler passed away without any kids of his own. In his will, he signed it over to our real father, Alexander Highwind. Our father was a friend and advisor of the late king, and he trusted him more than anyone.”

Lenna sighed sadly. “But the current king, who was another member of the late king’s staff, seized control from our father shortly afterwards. While trying to escape, our father was killed, along with our mother and the rest of our family.”

Sarisa punched the wall behind her. “Damn bastard! To ‘make up’ for what he did, he took us in and adopted us. It was a gesture of good will that pacified the staff and kept the people unaware of what happened.”

“So why haven’t you exposed him?” Bartz scratched the side of his head. “There have to be records or something. If you could show what he’s done, he can be arrested and you two could claim the throne.”

Lenna shook her head. “I had thought of that, believe me. However, that man destroyed any record pertaining to our father being the rightful king. He even had the late king’s will destroyed.”

“Even if we could,” Sarisa said, “we’d be hanging our necks out, and he’ll chop them in half.” She jerked her head towards the Syldra and her crew, who currently had their blasters out and aimed at Bartz. “That’s our life now. We don’t want the throne; we just want peace and a life away from that man. I’m not proud of abandoning Tycoon, and I’m not proud of what I’ve done to get here, but I don’t regret it.”

Lenna clasped her hands together, her eyes round in plea as she stared up at Bartz. “Please,” she whispered. “Please, don’t make me go back there. Don’t take my sister away.”

It was that pleading look, those eyes that begged for understanding that had Bartz taking a step back. What do I do? he thought as he looked back and forth between Sarisa, Lenna, and the ship. His duty dictated that he follow his orders. The other Jedi might not be much longer in coming, and cornered like this, the crew wouldn’t be able to withstand their assault. If they secured Lenna and captured Faris, they would be commended with a job well done, and earn the gratitude of the Senate and all those affected by Faris’ pirating. Everyone would see them as heroes.

Everyone except this princess standing in front of him. She’d likely hate him for the rest of her life. Bartz wouldn’t be able to blame her if she did.

Did doing his duty necessarily mean he’d be doing the right thing? Could violating his orders - and thereby the Jedi Code - be more right than obeying them? What the heck should he do?

His mind might have been in turmoil, but his heart was already set. He looked at Lenna and asked, “Are you sure about this? Is this what you really want?”

Lenna nodded earnestly. “Yes.”

Bartz shut off his lightsaber and put it back in his robes. “Okay.”

Sarisa frowned suspiciously. “You’re gonna let us go? Just like that?”

Bartz smiled and nodded. “I know it sounds crazy, but my duty is to protect the people of this galaxy. I wouldn’t be protecting Princess Lenna if I let her go back to a place where she felt unsafe. Besides, it’s what my heart is telling me to do.”

“But yer going against orders.”

“I know. Which is why I need you guy to do me a favor.” Bartz tapped his finger against his jaw. “There isn’t much time before the other Jedi come. You need to get out of here and disappear for good. They’ll know that you were here, so I can’t lie and say you weren’t. The only way they’ll believe you got away is if you overpowered me.”

Sarisa nodded. “Right.” She pointed to her crew. “You heard ‘im! Get your asses in gear and get the ship ready! We’re gettin’ out of here as soon as we can!” With her crew scrambling to get the ship ready, Sarisa clenched her fist and drew it back. She sent Bartz a cautious glance. “You sure about this?”

“Yeah. Actually…” Bartz patted his stomach. “You might want to hit here, too. Just for good measure,” he said with a wince.

He barely saw Sarisa’s nod before she socked him, sending him stumbling back. She grabbed him and pulled him forward.

Sarisa pulled back her staff (luckily, she was kind enough to at least shut off the electric current) and aimed it at his gut. “Ready?”

“Wait.” Lenna put her hand on Sarisa’s arm. She turned to Bartz and asked, “Before we go, what’s your name?”

“Oh. It’s Bartz,” he said with a chuckle.

Lenna nodded and smiled widely. “Thank you, Bartz.”

“I won’t forget that name,” Sarisa murmured. “Nor what you did for us. Now, it’s lights out.” She rammed the end of her staff into his stomach.

Bartz grunted, gritting his teeth as his knees buckled and he fell to the floor. The last thing he saw was Lenna’s concerned expression before his vision darkened and he lost consciousness.


“Cyan and Desch with his Padawan Ingus found me in the hangar. I woke up, and we were the only ones there.” Bartz took a swig of his drink, his throat parched from narrating. “Sarisa and Lenna were long gone.”

“They never found them,” Lightning said. “Faris managed to disappear completely.”

“I was part of one of the search squads sent to the Outer Rim territories.” Zack leaned on his elbows, his expression pensive. “We couldn’t find any trace of them.”

“Faris would have been given a good education in Tycoon,” Cecil said. “I imagine her lessons included geography. She would know just where to go to hide out from us. I doubt we’ll ever find her. They gave up searching months ago.”

Bartz nodded; he already knew all of this. He had kept tabs on the search efforts, and every day they couldn’t find them filled him with relief. Not relief for his sake, but for Lenna and Sarisa’s. “I wonder sometimes where they are, what they’re doing with themselves. I don’t know if we’ll ever meet again, but I’d like to at least one more time, just to know that they’re okay.”

Tifa said, her tone soft, “I think you will. If you think of someone in your heart, if you wish to see them for the right reasons, and if you want to see them badly enough, I think somehow you’ll find your way to them. It might take years, but your heart will find them.”

“You think so?” Bartz asked.

“It worked for me,” she said softly, glancing at Cloud.

Zack grinned, and unable to help himself said, “That’s so cheesy and cute, I could barf.”

Aerith elbowed him in the ribs, and the others laughed. “Way to ruin the moment, Zack,” Aerith said, her eyes narrowed.

Lightning shook her head in amusement. “But you know, it worked for me, too. I found Serah, even though she could have been anywhere in the galaxy. So I don’t think it’s that farfetched.”

“Thanks guys,” Bartz said, giving them all a bright smile. “I really do hope I see them again. There’s a lot I want to ask.” And I want to thank them, he thought, for setting me on this path.

x-over, star wars, final fantasy

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