Jun 18, 2009 22:03
I have had a bad couple of days... well weeks actually. But this week I got sick. Mari and I went out to eat a couple days ago. We haven't been out much. I don't trust people at all. Well that is even more so now. We went to Bill Miller's BBQ. Lunch was good, but half way through the meal, the cashier asked if we wanted to buy a full bucket of chicken for five bucks. They said that they had made too much for lunch. So I thought well why not, I can shread the chicken and make tacos for dinner with the meat. Well I think that the chicken had been out too long or something, cuz the next thing I knew I was sick as a dog. Fever, shivers, running to the bathroom often, fatigue, the works. I have been so tired and not really able to do much but be at the house. I have had chicken food poisioning once before, and it is no picnic!
The owner of the house we are in, is having work done on the house/roof by this guy named Bob the builder. No big deal, except that at 8 this morning, he is pounding super hard on the fricken front door and yelling. I answer the door and ask "Bob are you the one pounding on the door?" He yells back "I need electricity and I need it NOW, I have been trying to get it, and your taking forever and it is costing me money!" !!!!???? Wowhh dude! What did I do? I fricken called up the owner and let him know I was livid! You don't talk to me that way, I don't care who you are! I swear, I am trying my best to not be a man-hating lez, but it is not easy. Men have been treating me like crap lately, and I don't like it one bit. I am not your daughter, wife, lover, or punching bag! Even my family members (no names given... Donald) have been giving me crap. The more I think about it, the more I might just disappear with Daniel and Candy at the "Commune."