Jul 09, 2007 22:22
I actually had the chance to sit down the other day and work on getting all my pictures organized and creating a file for the AX photos that I have. I was almost done until I found more pictures...so now I've got to take those to work and archive those onto cd so I can bring them home and add them to this file.
Recently both John and I have been on this cleaning frenzy. We've just been trying to go room to room and just clean top to bottom (mostly with one of us only having one hand/arm because of Joshua). It's taken us a while to get to some rooms because of our work schedules too, but already there's great improvements. But now I've found a bunch of old stuff that I might send off to the chapter too. Not that I know what they would do with it, but I don't really need some of it anymore. Well, back to the cleaning/scrapbooking.