
Apr 20, 2010 23:01

Hey peeps!

Life's been busy as always but good. I have three projects due this end of quarter and so far, only one project has been in progress. The rest... lol can't say much about them really because I haven't started. ):  So many revised proposals and papers due these few weeks and midterms are making my life so much worse. I wish we can have way more than 24 hours a day (if only...) But then again, it's partly my fault; I am a huge procrastinator and I play hard (aka I am lazyyyy) ): but what to do really. I can only try my best to meet all the deadlines (which I've never failed to do at least).

So anyway... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SAK!!! :') feels great to be the age you are right now eh? XD Make lots of wishes, you! and I can't wait to see you this summer holiday when I get back :) <3 <3 <3

On another note, I have watched How To Train Your Dragon five times (twice in IMAX 3D, twice in regular theatre, once online). Lol... boy, the wonders of an obsession. :) Yeps. I freaking love the movie. Have yet to read the book but I eventually will one day. For now, the movie alone does the magic for me. It's that awesome. prz watch it, those who haven't.

Sigh.... despite all the happy things going on, my life is seriously, very boring now that I think about it...... :/

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