My fave recipe for Beef Stroganoff is a microwave recipe my mom used all the time. It comes from a 1970's Sharp Carousel Microwave Cookbook. My Amana Radar Range is twice as powerful as the zappers sold in the 1970's, so I had to adjust the cooking time using a chart I found online.
For example, in this recipe the mushrooms, onion, garlic, and butter get nuked for 5 minutes on high, in my science oven which is more powerful, the veggies get heated for only 3:55 on high.
The original recipe called for finish cooking for 20-30 minutes in the 1970's Sharp Microwave on 70% power, and my Amana finished it in 13 minutes on 70% power.
Of course I served it over Uncle Ben's 90 second rice.
I'm looking for ideas on ways to cook for this summer. I will still use the vintage stuff, frypan, bbq, and rotisserie. However I've got a few cookbooks on chafing dish cooking, fondue, and convection oven cooking.