With all this free time, what else is there to do?

Mar 27, 2007 11:52

I shall update on my wonderful day yesterday. It was...relaxing. Just peachy. Yesterday I woke up, went to work study at 8, went to theater at 9, came back to the room at 10 and just chilled. Spent time with Banana, drank coffee, dinked around on facebook, watched tv, ate lunch with Kelsey, and wasted time. It was glorious!

Then I went to Science class, which was interesting. Then I went to Math class, which was also interesting. Then I went to Harper's for dinner, with Kirk, Kelsey, and Banana. Well, that was super fun.

Then Kirk, Leanne, and I played frisbee!! WOOT!! Best time ever! Frisbee always makes things that much better for me. Kirk is like a little kid. He can throw the frisbee then go chase after it all by himself. OR Leanne or I can throw the frisbee while he chases after it. That's so funny, I think. Anyway, I fell, Leanne leaped, and Kirk chased. Good times!!!

Then we took cold showers and watched What About Brian.

Life couldn't get any better. =)
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