Dear die-ary: today I learned that on the inside I'm pretty fucking ugly.

Jan 17, 2005 16:31

Been a while since I updated, and since I know you're all just out there dying to hear what is going on in my life I'd drop a line.

The new classes seem fine, my new chem teacher is incredibly better than my last. I actually laughed at a chemistry joke. Shocking, I know. My bio teacher on the other hand is a completely different story. She treats our class, which since it is now Bio 200 is made almost exclusively of bio majors, as if we were children who can't grasp what she's talking about. She spent 10 mins of a 50 min class explaining what a fetus was. It was fantastic. My new honors lecturer seems to have an obsession with the emperor Constantine, since that is all he has talked about despite that the book we read was written about two centuries before him. Ah well, at least I know what the heel he is talking about.

My car died when I came up to school. Well, not so much died as lived too much. The car wouldn't stop after I turned it off. I took the key out of the ignition, got out of the car, and walked away and watched as Betsy drove the car around the parking lot. So I'll selling it up here since on top of what AAA called a steering column problem, the car needs about a grand of other works. Yeah, defiantly selling.

Finally got a D&D game going up, though the DM doesn't seem all that involved in it. I'll more than likely be moving from that game to a Shadow Rum campaign someone is starting up. Don't know much about the game, but have been told it's great.

Last night I was introduced to the single greatest American comic I have ever read. Jonny the Homicidal Maniac. Seriously, that comic may change my life if I read enough of it. Not to say I'll become a Homicidal Maniac...but it's great stuff. Dark, fucking insane, and completely wonderful. My new icon is of him, though I may change it for a different image if I can find it anywhere.

Also saw Boon dock Saints, which if anyone else has seen they will agree has the single greatest ending speech of any movie ever.

Well, not all that much else to update on. Class tomorrow, so I have to go read sections of the Bible for honors. That's going to be a fun discussion, I just know it. Talk to you all later.
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