Oct 29, 2012 17:35
Okay, just wanted to make a quick update since I know this is the longest I've ever gone without updating. So a few things happened. Remember how I said one reason I was eager to get the story done as quickly as possible was because I didn't want to get bogged down with school-work and have no time to write? Well, let's just say that happened.
We're mid-way through the semester and the last two and a half weeks has been one assignment after another and there just never seemed any time to write anything. On top of that, the last thing I expected to happen, happened. I got a very serious case of writer's block.
I admitted before that I had the story outlined and detailed. Well I did, except for the last chapter because I kind of just assumed that by the time I got there it'd be easy since my biggest issue with writing has always been starting. So I had a vague outline of what I wanted to write for the last chapter but nothing too detailed. Well when I sat down to try and at least start, I realized I literally couldn't.
But good news, I'm over the writer's block and am half-way through the chapter. Plus I FINALLY have a breather this week so I promise that before the week ends, I will finally but the period on this story.