I read a lot and have no shame, so I thought maybe I should be pimping the Spuffy stories I like.
Criteria: Spike/Buffy, published/completed in the month listed and 100% done.
Tempus Fugit (Time Flies) by handsomeviolets (T): . Serves as an "extra" episode in S6 and feels like one too. Buffy and co. are facing off against a time-stealing demon that leaves people as younger versions of themselves with no memory. Ripper returns and Spike becomes William. [I seriously <3 William in fics]. Buffy gets to see the man that Spike once was and who still is part of his make up. (15K) AO3
SEE ME by internetname (M): Post Chosen (no AtS S5). Second in a series (read
SPEAK ME first). Spike's reward for beating the First is that he spends time in a dreamworld with Buffy. In this installment not only do he and Buffy have some excellent moment healing past events (and some very sexy moments as well) but there's healing for the other Scoobies as well as they are invited into the dreamworld. It's a very beautifully done story and made me cry like a baby. (21K) AO3
Yeah...That Happened by Cryptwarmer (R): An alternate take on the BtVS story in which the show exists, but this is the real story behind the show. Cryptwarmer tweaked characters and ideas and made the world of Buffy her own. Almost every chapter could be it's own stand alone fic. The scope of this story is breathtaking. You also have to put a lot of trust in the author that she's going to see you alright in the end. You also have to give up any and all preconcieved notions before you start so as not to confuse yourself. But the ride is well worth the time and effort. (230K) EF
Memories by Autumn2005 (R): An extremely well writen take on S1 in which Spike, after years of abuse by Angelus who loses his soul much earlier than in canon and not because of Buffy, is dumped on Buffy's front lawn and left for dead. Joyce and Buffy nurse him back to health. At first he cannot remember who he is and comes to love his adopted family. The story is based on the idea of how much of who we are is what we've learned at the hands of others. And you'll love Bill. I promise :-) (95K) EF
Finding His Sun by Loup Noir (NC-17) Set during S5 of Angel it has Spike doing what we all knew he would have as soon as he got that bit of flash in the mail: ditching Angel and Wolfram and Hart to go to Buffy. It's a fun and very sexy reunion fic that allows Buffy and Spike to have the mental, physical, and emotional connections that they deserve. It is a claim fic (why that's so polarizing I'll never know. I love fanon), and is rough on Angel and Giles (catharthis is a good thing). The smut is great and will totally scratch that Spuffy itch. (28K) EF.
Just a reminder that EF requires you to registered for NC-17 and AO stories. It's not a long or arderous process and well worth your time!