Random ness

Apr 22, 2011 03:06

Its 3am and I'm hyper. How? Dunno Probably the PB&P Sandwich I had or the popcorn OwO Either way I wanna call one of my Waifu's or Hubbies  and make them blush. Probably not gunna happen cause I Will probably Have a rant or a Butt chewing from them. Thoughhhh I could Bother Lulu and Threaten to shave my head again XD (Long story)

Oh oh >.> <,< I have a new nick name. My friend friend.. Well Now my friend too, Has Dubbed me Butter cause I guess she didn't like waffles XD

Anywho... *noms on Carrot* Again Hyper. In a good mood and Listening to "still alive" By GLaDOS <33

Noe back to my plans of World Domination. >.> <,< Free waffles in 2018 when I marry my many waifus :D

friends, zombies, dance, happy

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