Oct 13, 2007 02:55
I'm trying to find vegetarians, so i can find out if they eat animal crackers. it makes me curious. if they do, i think it's a little fucked up. it's just slightly hippocritical of them to make us listen to them preach and whine about how killing an animal for food is wrong. so what i really wanna know is, do they eat those little sugar cookies in the shape of lions and tigers? if so, do they feel any guilt as they bite a little elephant's legs off? am i the only person who wonders this kind of stuff?
I'm no vegetarian because i love my filet mignon waaaaaay too much, but I have come to realize that i have more compassion for animals than humans. everyday i hear stories in the news of the terrible things people do to one another. mothers killing their kids, people shooting each other, homeless crackhead bums begging for food. these are awful things, but we have just become accustomed to seeing it so often that our feelings are numb to it. you watch the two minute news clip, feel sorry for the victim, and your life goes on. very rarely does my heart rate increase when i'm watching or reading the news. i don't even flinch. but when i see a homeless dog who is starving, or hear about an abused pet, my heart breaks. is it wrong that i'd rather give food to a hungry dog than a hungry person? I believe every person has the opportunity to turn their life around. instead of sitting on their ass, shaking their change cup and begging, they should be finding a way to survive. animals can't always do that. it's not easy to jump into a 5 foot high dumpster when you're standing on 4 legs. And it's not easy to defend yourself when you're chained up and starved, or when a human has a cruel intention to hurt you. i can't even read through an entire story about something cruel that person has done to an animal because it just makes me so sad. I started to read about how animal control workers in puerto rico "rescued" hundreds of pets from housing projects, but didn't have anywhere to put them, so they dropped them one by one off a bridge to their deaths. some of them survived the fall, and walked their broken bodies to the highway. i would've lost it if i was driving had had to see that. it makes me sick.