I'm siiick

Oct 18, 2004 19:43

I haven't checked LJ's in ages, or even updated my own. I'm sorry I don't comment on LJ's very often... I barely have time to read them, and I haven't for the longest time. Right now, I'm swamped with schoolwork, music, acting (in a French play), and scholarship applications. Plus I'm sick. So I can't think... so I totally bombed my stupid chem test today. I wish it had been all open-ended... I hate my teacher's multiple choice; and I think that's where I lost all my marks. >.<

Well that's my news... I can't even really go on IGG these days, there's just so much stuff to do. And I'm also trying to figure out which courses I'd like to take in university, although I believe I will take the coordinated sciences program at UBC if I can make it in with my low (*cries*) chemistry mark. I wish they took biology marks... it's nice and high. Very nice. The rest of my marks this year are probably the worst I've done in ages.

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