mzserena posted about net speak and the use of acronyms on the net, in posts, in chat, in instant messaging, etc.
I will forever stand by typing things out vs. using "r" in place of "are" and "u" in place of "you".
There are so many things that bother me. Here is a list of just a few:
1. The misuse of "your" and "you're".
2. The misuse of "there", "they're", and "their".
3. Spelling the word "definitely" as "definately".
4. Not using proper punctuation as is the case in 95% of all greetings I see in chatrooms.
Hello Lauryl vs. the proper Hello, Lauryl
5. Descriptions bug me all over the place.
Lauryl I am a girl vs. Lauryl - I am a girl
Lauryl swimming in sin vs. Lauryl is swimming in sin
You get the picture.
6. I also do not like those users who say everything with an emote vs. just saying it.
Lauryl how are you today? vs. Lauryl asks -- how are you today?
7. Socials. Socials. Socials. Where do I begin? I do not like the use of socials as it lacks personalization.
8. I just love it when someone spells a word wrong, and you spell it in response the correct way (to nicely point out the error), but the person uses the same word right back at you, spelled the wrong way yet again! (This actually happened several times at work even via e-mail.)
9. I dislike the use of "mines" vs. "mine".
10. Last, but certainly not least, I absolutely hate it when someone uses run-on after run-on when trying to come on to me or something. If you can't use proper grammar, then that will certainly not get you any kind of conversation with me.
Granted, I'm not saying that everyone has to be perfect. I can be the Queen of Typos now and then, but you can usually tell the difference between a typo and just not caring or not knowing proper grammar. Also, I'm not saying that we all have to be Spelling Bee winners, either. I fully understand that spelling is not everyone's forte. When it looks like lazy, though, that is when it gets to me.
We could all be a little bit better when it comes to the way we communicate in written form. Let's give it a try!