HEYYY . . .

Jun 18, 2004 18:02

sum stuff i f0und!
1. Kissed your cousin: yea but it wasnt like a kiss u would give ur bf/gf

2. Ran away: nope
3. Broken someone's heart: nope
4. Cried when someone died: yes
5. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: of course
6. Broken a bone: no
7. Drank alcohol: yes
8. Cried in school: yea but lyk 1st grade haha

10.COKE or PEPSI: coke
11.SPRITE or 7UP: sprite
12.GIRLS or GUYS: guys
13.FLOWERS or CANDY: candy
14SLEEP or AWAKE: i dunno
15.QUIET or LOUD: loud
16.BLONDES or BRUNETTES: dont care
17.BITCHY or SLUTTY: neither
18.TALL or SHORT: dont care
19.PANTS or SHORTS: i dont care
20.What do you notice first? depends
21.Last person you slow-danced with: amy! haha mickys bar-mitzvah hehee
22.Worst question to ask: too many to think of

26.Your good luck charm: my blur beaded braclate i made in 4th grade with dana and kelsey
27.Person you hate most: i dont really hate neway enuff 2 hate most lol
28.The best thing that has happened to you today: SPEED HUMP!
29.Color: orange yellow pink
30.Movie: big daddy billy madison willie wonka rat race maid in manhatten happy gilmore etc
31.Book: gossip girl
32.Subject in school: lunch
33.Juice: cran apple
34.Cars:anything that runs and takes me where i wanna go
35.Ice cream: moose tracks
36.Holiday: halloween, passover
37.Season: summer and fall and winter, spring is juss there lol
38.Breakfast food: cereal
39.Place to go with your honey: hmmm

40.Makes you laugh the most? funny things
41.Makes you smile? smily things
42.Gives you a funny feeling when you see them? i dunno
43.Has a crush on you? i dunno
44.Do you have a crush on? n01 ryt now
45.Can make you feel better no matter what? aLex, amy,
46.Has it easier, GIRLS or GUYS: omg guys
47.Sit waiting for a phone call all night? sometimes
48.Save IM conversations? no unless i wanna sho it 2 sum1
49.Save e-mails? not relli unless there eye kandiz 0r sumthin
50.Wish you were someone else? not relli
52.Cry because of someone's mean words? no

55.Fallen for your best friend? no
56Have u ever been rejected? yea
wut happened 2 57?
58.Used someone? no i dont think so
59.Been used? probly
60.Cheated on someone? no
61.Been cheated on? no
62.Done something you regret? omg yes
63.You touched? my neice but not lyk that i hugged her haha lol
64.You talked to? my neice
66.You instant messaged? sammi
68.You yelled at? pr0bly n0isy kids 0n the bus haHa
69.You laughed with? people from camp today
70.Who broke your heart? hmmm.....
71.Who healed your broken heart? i dunno, no1

Personal Info:-
01: Name: elyssa
02: D.O.B: 5-18

03: Location: florida
04: Religion: jewish
05: Sex: yes
06: Occupation: c0unsLer PcDc haHa

01: Hair: br0wn with g0ld hilights
02: Eyes: br0wn
03: Height: 5' 2" i think
04: Weight: 94 lbs.??
01: Clothing: nething cute!
02: Music: punk/rock...country haHa keLs n sam and tanner!
03: Makeup?: depends on wut mo0d im in
04: Body Art: none

What are you:-
01: Wearing: yellow soffees and PcDc staff shirt
02: Listening to: i/mz haha
03: Thinking of: tanner n sam @ the m0vies since shes telling me this st0ry
04: Feeling: blah b0red worried

Last Thing You:-
01: Bought: dont remember
02: Talked to: my mom
03: Ate and drank: cookie and water?
04: Read: gossip girl
05: Watched on TV: jimmy neutron haha

Pick One:-
01: Club or houseboat: club
02: Tea or coffee: coffee
03: High achiever or slacker: high achiever
05: Drinks or shots: shots
06: Cats or dogs: dogs
07: Single or taken: depends
08: Pen or pencil: pencil
09: Gloves or mittens: gloves
10: Food or candy: food
11: Cassette or cd: CD
12: Coke or pepsi: coke
13: Hard or mild alcohol: mild
14: Matches or a lighter: macthes
15: Sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: sunset beach?
16: Ricki lake or oprah winfrey: ricki lake
Who Would You Like To:-
01: Kill: no1
02: Shag: hmm.....
03: Slap: hmmm....
05: Get really wasted with: i dunno
06: Tickle: kelsey
07: Look like: i dunno pretty
08: Be like: i dunno
09: Avoid: Many many people!

01: Food: funnel cake, strawberries, peanut butter
02: Drink: cranapple juice/chocolate milk
03: Color: orange yellow pink
04: Album as of right now: i dunno
05: Shoes: vans,roxys
06: Site: lots?
07: Dance: i durno a fun one
08: Song: L0tSz!
11: Berry: strawberries

well i guess this shows how bored i am...not that anyones gonna read the whole thingy anyway......

[x.] nicknames = LySs,LySsy,eLys
[x.] piercings = ears
[x.] tattoos = none
[x.] shoe size = 7
[x.] length = a few inches under my sholders n i wish i never got it cut!!
[x.] pets = n0ne

[x.] movie you rented = hm..i durno
[x.] movie you bought = big daddy?
[x.] song you listened to = that weird song frum kamp hey mamma?
[x.] song that was stuck in head = stupid camp cheers
[x.] song you've downloaded = i dont remember
[x.] cd you bought = i dont remember i burn them all n0w haha
[x.] cd you listened to = no doubt
[x.] person you've called = i 4g0t already haha
[x.] person that's called you = brittany

[x.] you have a bf or gf = no
[x.] you wish you could live somewhere else = smtymz
[x.] you think about suicide = never
[x.] you believe in online dating = NO!!!NO NO!!!
[x.] others find you attractive = i durno not in camp probly i lo0k yucky lol
[x.] you want more piercings = yeah
[x.] you want more tattoos = maybe
[x.] you drink = only on like jewish holidays if that counts?haha and on occasion if im @ a parents party neigb0rho0d party 0r w/e haha
[x.] you do drugs = no
[x.] you smoke = no
[x.] you like cleaning = haha.....no 0nly kelseys ro0m haha lol kels
[x.] you like roller coasters = noooooo
[x.] you write in cursive or print = print
[x.] you carry a donor card = no
[x.] teenage smoking =no
[x.] doing drugs = no
[x.] premarital sex = depends
[x.] driving drunk = no
[x.] soap operas = no

[x.] tv show = the simpsons, the family guy, rugrats,degrassi
[x.] thing in the world = so many to think of.....
[x.] thing to collect = money n teddy bears! haha lol
[x.] thing to do on a rainy day = sumthing i wont say here since people hoo i dont want reading this read this! haHA
[x.] feeling in the world = love

[x.] thing to do = i durno..talk? lol
[x.] sport = hmm dont relli have one! volly ball?
[x.] clothes = fitted shirts denim jeans s0ffees etc
[x.] band = l0tSs

[x.] ever cried over a boy/girl = i dont think so? maybe
[x.] ever lied to someone = yes
[x.] ever been in a fist fight = not fist..persayy haha
[x.] ever been arrested = no

[x.] shampoo do you use = pantene pr0-v
[x.] perfume do you use = LiLu
[x.] shoes do you wear = vans,roxy
[x.] are you scared of = lots of things!!!!

[x.] of times I have been in love? = never yet
[x.] of continents I have lived in? = 1
[x.] of drugs taken illegally? = none
[x.] of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = alex,amy
[x.] of people I consider my enemies? = i dunno
[x.] of cd's that I own? = not much like 25?
[x.] of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = i dunno at least once
[x.] of scars on my body? = a few maybe 3?
[x.] of things in my past that I regret? = too many

[x.] Considered a life of crime? = no i dont think so
[x.] Considered being a hooker? = no
[x.] Considered being a pimp? = no
[x.] Are you psycho? = yes haHa
[x.] Split personalities? = no
[x.] Schizophrenic? = no hAha
[x.] Obsessive compulsive? = wutever that means ...
[x.] Panic? = yup
[x.] Anxiety? = yes?
[x.] Depressed? = no
[x.] Suicidal? = no
[x.] Obsessed with hate? = no
[x.] Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? yea haha
[x.] Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? no
[x.] Understanding = yes
[x.] Open-minded = usually
[x.] Interesting = yes
[x.] Hungry = always well not always but mojority 0f the time yes haha
[x.] Friendly = depends on my mood
[x.] Childish = yes
[x.] Healthy = i think so
[x.] Difficult = sometimes
[x.] Attractive = i durno
[x.] Thirsty = most of the time
[x.] Responsible = depends on what im being held responsible for
[x.] Sad = sometimes
[x.] Happy = yes
[x.] Trusting = yes
[x.] Talkative = yes
[x.] Different = i dunno i guess loL
[x.] Lonely = no
[x.] Have a girlfriend/boyfriend? = not @ the present time loL
[x.] Floss daily? = no
[x.] Own a webcam? = yes
[x.] Ever get off the damn computer? = yeah

[x.] Current Taste: im thirsty, but i dunno wut i want
[x.] Current Hair: messy bun
[x.] Current Annoyance: my eyes
[x.] Current Smell: my h0sue smell if i have one lol
[x.] Current thing you ought to be doing = eating?
[X.] Current Book = gossip girl
[x.] Current DVD In Player = peter pan??
[x.] Current Refreshment = none, but i want one
[x.] Current Worry = my grandma in the hospital
[x.] Current Crush = no1

[x.] Long or short hair? =dont care
[x.] Dark or blond hair? = dont care
[x.] Tall or short? = hopefully like 2 inches taller then me @leest
[x.] Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny? = both
[x.] Good boy/girl or bad boy/girl? = hmm....
[x.] Dark or light eyes? = dont care
[x.] Hat or no hat? = dont care
[x.] Pierced or no? = dont care
[x.] Freckles or none? = dont care
[x.] Stubble or neatly shaven? = neetly shaven most of the time
[x.] Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? = chocolate milk
[x.] McDonalds or Burger King? = neither but there both relli good i try not 2 eet them
[x.] Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? = perfect love
[x.] Sweet or sour? = sour
[x.] Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? = dr. pepper
[x.] Sappy/action/comedy/horror? = comedy
[x.] Ocean or Pool? = pool
[x.] Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? = nacho cheese
[x.] Mud or Jell-O wrestling? = mudd
[x.] With or without ice-cubes? = with
[x.] sunshine or rain? = b0th
[x.] Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? = aLL? except spring relli i dotn relil kare about spring haha lol
[x.] Vanilla or Chocolate? = vanilla
[x.] Eyes open or closed? = depends
[x.] Fly or breathe under water? = brethe underwater
[x.] Chewing gum or hard candy? = blowpo0ps its b0th lol!
[x.] Motor boat or sailboat? = motor boat
[x.] Lights on or off? = depends wut mo0d im in
[x.] Chicken or fish? = chicken
[x.] Clay or Ruben? = there both not that gr8

weLL i h0pe u read all 0f that! haha lol ilu if u did!!
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