Happy New Year

Jan 13, 2013 18:50

Haven't been a writing mood lately. Too busy with work and art.

Will try to keep more up to date.

* * * *

Bike Ride summary for 2012

814 miles.
Lowest yearly total since 2003
Too many weekends with schedule conflicts or bad weather.
Sculpting took up a fair amount of time.
Also some changes to my riding pattern. Did more destination rides where I only rode a bit and spent most of my time at some event: museum, festival, art show, etc.
Most riding was close to home, a lot of it in DC.
Did no club rides in 2012.
My only tour ride was “Tour dem Parks” in Baltimore. Did a modified long route.
Missed the Tour de Chesapeake, NY Century and Tour du Port due to schedule conflicts.
Had signed up to marshal Bike DC, but was sick that day.
Did do two solo rides around NYC on Labor Day weekend, but these were mostly for gallery hopping. On the second ride I spent a couple of hours on Governor’s Island.
Rode both Passport DC events: World and EU. Stopped at 20+ embassies.
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