My Birthday!!!!

Dec 10, 2004 20:56

Tomarrow’s my BiRtHdAY!!!!!!!


I'm getting old *tear*, *tear*.

Well I'm not doing AnYTHING for my birthday, it suck's yucks, big time.

My dad is starting his First day of work tomarrow, so he can't exactly have the day off, to do anything, but i might go shopping. YAY....

AH! Well I just want to say something before I turn old, here goes, "I'M FOURTEEN!!!, I AM SO FOURTEEN!!! I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SAY THAT AGAIN! I AM FOURTEEN YEARS OLD and 350-some DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO 14!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I love you all! And I'm gonna cry! And if you thought I didn't love you, i do, in your own special way! Because tomarrow i'm getting older, and I won't ever have a chance to say it once i go on, I KnOW I am SO being OvER Exagerrated!!!!,But I'm gonna miss ya'll HaHa! I'm ReTarded tehe..

A mountain of love,

dumped on top of all of you,

loads of love,


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